Katherine -
I'm sorry.
I should have listened to your warnings, or I should have tried to talk to Ramon by myself. I thought it was possible to have a rational conversation with him. It didn't start out so bad, but he and Bill got so angry so quickly, they wouldn't see reason.
It's my fault Bill got hurt, because I put him next to Ramon. I should have never agreed to that. I should have talked to Ramon alone again, because maybe none of this would have happened.
I don't know what to do here, and I'm scared of what's going to happen to Bill and to you. Demeter has offered a trip to her world to keep Bill and Boo safe, and I'm going to ask Bill if he'll consider it. When Ramon changes back, I don't want Bill anywhere near him.
That goes for you, too - I don't know what will fix this, but I don't want to see you hurt any more than you have been already. If you want to leave the bar for a while but don't want to go home, either, have you thought about going to another world, too? You could come to Demeter's place in France with us. I know she wants to see you protected as much as we do.
I can't tell you how sorry I am for this. I wanted to help, but all I've done is made things worse for everyone.
Please be careful, and if you need anything, I'm upstairs with Boo.
- Kate