"you should have stayed out of this." //
"something's come up that i gotta take care of." ]
The shower didn't help.
Cheek throbbing, she pulls her green terrycloth towel tighter around herself.
She needs to get dressed, she needs to wake Bill -
(she's sorry, she's so sorry)
Comments 75
His palms have become sweaty and he's out of breath when he steps in, eyes frantically searching for her.
When he sees the bathroom door still closed, and the light coming out from underneath, the fear gripping his heart releases and he pulls in a deep breath.
Thank God.
Trying to calm himself he makes sure the door is locked then takes another look around the room.
Now that he knows she's still here, anger replaces the knot of fear in his chest and he starts looking for the gun.
it's not Ramon, it can't be --
She crosses the steam-damp tile and puts an unsteady hand flat against the smooth wood.
"I didn't know you were up. I -- "
She licks her lips and adjusts her towel, careful to keep her swollen cheek angled away from him if he glances over.
"Can I talk to you for a second?"
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