People suck.

Dec 20, 2007 19:32

I am trying, OH HOW I am trying with all my might not to take things personally at work.  I try to remember that a lot of these people are very stressed and rushed and don't mean to be complete assholes to the one person that's trying to help them (with a smile and an up-beat attitude, nonetheless).

But today I just felt like a doormat that had the mexican hat dance performed on me over and over.

I just wish people would remember that I'm a person, not just some thing to yell at and complain to.  What makes me the saddest and maddest is when there are three to a million (it seems, I realize) people standing at my front desk, both lines are ringing, and the person I am currently trying to help seems completely oblivious to this fact and just goes on and on, taking her sweet time, and giving me a dirty look when I ask if I can just put the people trying to call the salon on hold.  Then, inevitably, both people on hold hang up.  Then they call back and are pissed, so when I ask them to hold again they say no.  Then I have more people waiting, getting pissed as well, and the person on the phone is already verbally bashing me despite my attempts to apologize and help them.

I do this all with a smile and as professionally as possible.

I realize part of the problem is I NEED HELP and don't have it, but the other part of this is people's lack of ability to see beyond themselves... and understand that the person they are yelling at is the person that's trying their very best to help them.

I just wish everyone at some point in their lives (in this country) should be REQUIRED to work some sort of customer service job at least once in their lives, and for a period of no less than one month.  I honestly think people would treat each other so much better if they all had to deal with the general public's daily verbal abuse in some point in their lives.

I also think they should be required to handle it with grace, but dream on I shall. :)

I know most y'all feel me on this one.
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