Aug 03, 2004 08:08
This is an ad that was posted this morning on one of the newsgroups I'm a part of:
free hound dog mix for good home. She has all of her shots. She is fully housebroken, and cratetrained. She is very playfull and full of energy. she has outgrown my friends 1 br apartment.
Yeah... I think what they mean is:
free hound dog mix for good home please take my friend's very common dog, I'll give it to you for nothing. She has all of her shots You don't even have to take her to the vet, just take her. She is fully housebroken breaks things in the house, and cratetrained is kept in a box with holes in it. She is very playfull and full of energy is savagely aggressive, but if she doesn't know you're scared she won't bite. she has outgrown totaled my friends 1 br apartment, because she's huge.