Jul 02, 2004 15:05
Before I knew it I was being given muscle relaxants to prepare me for my Lasik surgery. Which was odd, considering I already didn't remember signing up or paying for the operation, but I thought how cool it will be to not wear contacts anymore. It must've been a last minute decision though because it was out in a parking lot. I remember that much because I went to take something back to my car real quick but couldn't walk really well. I thought, "What if someone comes by and takes my stuff while I'm under?" but I was too drugged up already to walk so I crawled back into the chair and stayed put. As I started to drift off I thought about questioning the credibility of the doctor, but figured it was either too late, or I already had.
To make a long story short, he planted a watermelon seed in my eye. I quickly grew a large tumor looking thing in my head, but it constantly smelled so good in my sinuses.
When I woke up, I had stuffed my pillow in my eye socket and up my nose.
The End.