More entries written on a member forum:
01/12/10 Pushing passed winter sluggishness
Well this journal is nearly a year old. I made it through a year of forum blogging, wow! Hard to believe that this time last year I was semi-offline (mobile internet not counted) camped out in a flat around the corner as works were done here. Learning to give myself space from the internet worked wonders to learn new habits and ultimately give me a better chance of success.
In any case, my last update was at the end of October. Since then I have:
1. Been on two Red Cross duties.
2. Done my working with other service red cross course.
3. Had my washing machine plumbed in.
4. Had my 34th birthday.
And 5. Had a leak coming from my upstairs neighbours!
Yes, holy mary mother of god I had that again. Two years after the first time. Just when I have got everything in my new kitchen lovely, I now have to contend with bubbling on the ceiling, a stain on the wall and no kitchen light until it's fixed. These things happen yes but they always seem to happen to me. I have different neighbours this time by the way. But I was originally told it was a leak due to a washing machine seal. Fair enough. These things happen however annoying but when it kept happening I got suspicious. They blamed the neighbour's washing machine last time when it was something intrinisically wrong with the building. And yes, lo and behold, it is to do with the pipeworks under the kitchen sink. Completely snapped apparently. So my upstairs neighbours have been told to not use their sink, otherwise water drips down into my kitchen through the light. (And I call housing no matter what time of day or night cos I am annoying like that). It totally stressed me out especially as I want to keep everything all perfect as I want to eventually exchange with another tenant and move. But well, I have an appointment (Dec 10th) for the repair work so here's hoping it gets sorted.
My Red Cross duties were good. Though, the first one was a bit shocking as it all kicked off with a fight. But I really enjoying helping. My last one was on Saturday. It was a quiet duty. Just 2 first aiders present at a concert in the local parish church. But we had a young girl who was sick and an elderly lady (member of the choir) who fainted twice during the performance so we called the paramedics. Don't seem to have anything on for December though.
And yes I am 34 now. Though, I got told today I really don't look 34. I am so glad. It's a compliment.
Though, I admit it is just weird to think that I have coped a whole 10 years without my Dad and on my own. I would probably never go back as I have developed so much on my own but it's just weird to think a whole ten years have passed.
I just looked out of the window and we have a thin layer of snow. Our snow of yesterday disappeared fairly quickly but it has been very cold but now we have a new layer of snow. I knew we weren't out of the woods.
So, life ticks on. For me, I find it difficult to get up early in these dark mornings. Winter sluggishness - meh. But as I realised yesterday, we just have to get on with it. No point languishing around in a pit of laziness or with depressed demeanour, just gotta get on with it!
Oh and the "appeal" re the postgraduate course. I filled in the form, wrote my letter with reasons for my default as requested and put it on the side meaning to get copies of my payslips as I need to provide proof of my income over the last 3 months and haven't got around to it. I must admit I am no longer in a rush to do my MSc now. But I will get around to it.
18/12/10 Snowy Saturday
Well it's been an unproductive Saturday really given the fact I woke up to heavy snow. The white stuff falling from the sky has changed my plans for the weekend somewhat. I still have Christmas bits to get, a dental appointment to go to and of course work til Thursday 23rd.
But may as well take the opportunity of a snowy saturday to relax I guess and as this is a members-only forum where only members can view my entry I guess I can truly relax.
I had my works xmas do last night. We went to a Spanish restaurant in town. The tapas was nice, the wine went down well but honestly it really wasn't my thing. Far too loud with a bloke playing honky tonk on his keyboard and some geezer strumming a geetar and watching everyone just get drunk dancing was interesting to say the least. I felt outside of things anyway because I actually work for the self-contained small sister company who tends to get forgotten in the larger company scheme of things and as I am not gregarious enough tend to feel like I don't really know these people. I always go because you have to try and make effort. You have to be seen to be a teamplayer but after 3 christmases I think it's time to not respond to the email when it goes around next year lol.
My Red Cross xmas meeting on the other hand went well and I had loads of fun. I only had a coke and panini and was absolutely hopeless at bowling. Even to the point of being self conscious but I felt a part of the team/group and got a round of applause when I got a strike heehee.
I have also reached the point of enough with the work stress. Though, I can keep positive and give my best for as long as I have to but the point of enough has been reached. A couple of things have occurred that have given me even more of the motivation to dust down my CV and start networking. I want to stay in the medico legal/rehabilitation sector as I really love my work and that is what keeps me sane. but we are always given markers in our career when we realise that it is time to work on moving on, whether that is in 6 months or 1 year from now. With the recessive climate the way it is, the fact I have built myself up and got myself comfy, I can't afford to make rash decisions. So that's that. And that's probably what I will be doing over the xmas bank holidays. Polishing a certain word document.
I mean, even my team leader is leaving. Noone can stay static forever.
I would like to use this entry to thank those who sent me Christmas cards; Dave, Claire and Elaine. I don't tend to join the online swapping christmas card forum thing as I have been there, done that writing xmas cards to everyone I only knew in an online sense. So now tend to only write to those I feel I have a connection with and possibly would make a good "real life" friend, because there is no distinction between internet friends and real friends in my mind. And the cards I have received restored my faith in "online friends" so thank you.
Claire and Elaine - I do have a card for you guys to post when I ever get down to the post office in this snow! I need a sledge. Sasha can pull me along hee hee.
Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of Dad's passing and it was a perfectly fine day.
Ten years have passed - wow.
Merry Christmas one and all if I don't get to post before the big day! However, you celebrate may the holidays be filled with whatever you want.
Take care.
11/01/11 Random days off are good for you!
Well they certainly keep the January blues at bay.
Happy New Year one and all.
So, this is my first entry of 2011. What's to say? Not a lot but I am good. But then a hair cut and a day off has caused that.
I think this year I have found the answer to keeping spirits at bay and that is just being good to yourself.
I actually find I haven't really got anything to say. Though, I am working on something and if I am successful then I guess all will be revealed. If not, well there will be nothing to say anyway!
But the time in work in between Christmas and New Year was productive and quiet. It was wonderful to have a "catch my breath" week. And today's day off is simply my treat to myself for working new years eve.
I have a welcome back Red Cross meeting tonight and two training courses over the next couple of Saturdays and I am meeting a friend on 22nd so I don't actually have a free weekend in January at all.
So taking it as it comes!
30/01/11 Nearly February
Hiya one and all!
So the first month of 2011 is nearly over. It went really quickly if I am honest.
In summary:
1. Sasha was in the vets for her booster on 8th January so she's all uptodate for another year. Milo's turn now.
2. I started doing some pilates exercises.
3. I have had 2 Red Cross courses; AED and Lifting. I have also been on a Red Cross duty at Ascot Races. It was really good, though not from a patient perspective as we only had one patient and one no show. Tut tut tut.
4. I got a gold star in the hygienist. I am just too good.
5. I never got around to having lunch with my friend. Things got in the way but hopefully one day soon.
6. I had a day off on 11th Jan and had my hair done as per the last entry.
7. I also said goodbye to my team leader on Friday; such a weepy end of an era though we are now facebook friends. She announced that she was leaving at the beginning of January (I just looked back at my entry in December where I said my team leader was leaving. Surely she didn't announce it in December? I don't know one day from the next. I really don't). So there has been a gradual hand-over over the month. I am not the new team leader (and I didn't really want it), but I am second in command now so am a point of contact for less experienced team members to go to when they need help.
8. What I was working on last couple of entries was that I too am thinking of moving on job-wise. Though, there is not many job opportunities out there. There comes a point when enough is enough for each and everyone of us. I however like what I do so I don't think I am not just going to sit in another office, even if the salary is better. I am trying to break into the care sector I think and this maybe where I have to re-locate. I did try and talk to a company that recruits case managers as that is basically what I do. But you can't be a proper case manager without clinical experience. Of course, getting clinical experience means taking on further training and maybe taking a pay drop, which obviously I can't do. But I will find a way around the maze I guess. Ideally, I would like to be in a new job by 1st June but we will obviously see.
9. I have seen a Zumba class starting on 1st Feb and I may try it.
10. I also have booked the 8th, 11th and 14th Feb off. My next Red Cross duty is on Feb 12th - kickboxing.
So, all looking promising. The sun was shining on our walk earlier so spring is on its way. I think the dark evening dog walks have gone on a bit too much now.
Onwards to Spring I think.