I migrated over to a member journal over a forum but now I am not sure if they are sticking around so I am copying and pasting my writing so I have a record:
19th January 2010
Well, it's way past January 1st but it is still like the first page of an exercise book where everything has to be neat, precise and tidy but I thought I'd just drop along and say hi. Just to let you know that I haven't forgotten any of you. I thought perhaps a journal entry would be better as an update doesn't really constitute general discussion. But the background can be found in my going MIA thread.
So, happy new year one and all! The start of 2010 has seen adverse weather conditions. The snow has made things very difficult (mainly because our councils do not prepare us for harsh winters), but when we regain a sense of perspective, we realise that life is not bad. We are not in the aftermath of an earthquake like those in Haiti so we have to be grateful for small mercies.
I have been away from my home computer since mid November and the space has probably done me the world of good. We are still in our temporary accomodation. The refurbishment works are coming along slowly and I have been told should be done by the end of January. But I think, considering the snow stopped play I don't think they will be completed in two weeks. I am not too worried. I have really enjoyed a new lovely place and I have built the strength back to put things right. The time away in hippie land has really been a case of respite.......... Your head can be tired from beating the same place on the wall and feeling like you aren't getting anywhere. So if you rest up and beat it some place, you feel a whole lot better. I am enjoying the remaining time in our temporary place but at the same time, am looking forward to permanency again. Just simple things like the landline, home computer, proper furniture. Though, when we move back there will be lots of work to be done. I have to sort through what I left. Get old stuff dumped. Decorate, carpet and only then can we get new furniture in. But it's all good. Life has a funny way of working out if you work to every goal a bit at a time.
In other news, I passed last years philosophy course so I have now upgraded my ordinary BSc degree and have a new shiney psychology one. Shall be graduating May 1st. Have planned a holiday the week after that to reward myself for the end point of one particular journey.
Other than that, life ticks on.............. I get up, haul myself into the office, haul myself home to go to sleep only to get up and haul myself back into the office. Am very busy at work so have lots of things going on.
And............ you know, sometimes space is good. Even as I am typing this I feel I have changed over the last few months.
All the best and see ya around again sometime soon!
8th February 2010
Well I had to use a computer this lunchtime so I may as well address my audience.
Have to pretend I have friends who are interested in my comings and goings. Hello Dave and anyone else who reads.
Not much to say. I recently did over-time at work. Yes voluntarily went into the office on a Saturday. Am I mad or am I mad? Don't answer that one, I am mad
I then proceeded to spend the over-time money in one foul swoop by having an afternoon of retail therapy. Money is easy come, easy go. Felt so good though to have the odd treat. Bought myself The time travellers wife so am currently reading that. You see, now I am not constrained to my studies I am trying to take up reading non-text books. *gasp* Non-text books do exist. Papers, magazines and fiction books. *shock horror gasp*. It is quite nice to cosy up of an evening and settle down with a few pages of a book.
I am still reading Jade's autobiography too. I have found Jade's book to be a very good read and has enlightened me on a few things. One things I really didn't like was the media portrayal of events so it's nice to hear things from the horse's mouth so to speak. And I think, at the end of the day, God rest the poor woman, she was just a very honest person whose character and strength is to be admired by friend or foe.
In other news, it's only February and so far - we have all been health checked up. I have had my dental lecture and been to the hygienist and the animals have had their vaccines. Well we are back in the vets in 3 weeks for the 2nd injection for the cat.
The house is coming along. I think we could be near to completion shortly. Let the chaos of moving back commence!
So ticking along with my goals and oh well, must go grab a coffee and some lunch. See ya later.
Back home for 8th March
Well the time had to come to an end and I have to move back home by 8th. Slightly better than the deadline I was given. So currently running around like a headless chicken wondering how on earth I am gonna get the place liveable by 8th March when work takes up a majority of time. It was easy to move out for the works - just take what we needed and be done with it. Now comes the getting rid of bigger stuff and carting us back but at least I now have two weekends rather than one. I did ask about the possibility of staying but was not allowed so back home I go............................. See ya very shortly then as I should be around a bit more often
8th March 2010
After three months of being offline while my home was being refurbished I am BACK and very happy at the result and the help I got for me use the opportunity to start again. So how am I? I am getting there slowly getting unpacked and settled in again. Am happier, calmer and more relaxed than I was when I first moved in way back in 2002. Furkids have settled. Sasha my dog was impatient to get in and was no sooner in the door and was curled up on an off cut of carpet so say no more. Milo my cat was scared of the people milling around Saturday so when he got let out of his basket he hid but even he settled in quickly and is on my lap as I type this.
The new home will come together slowly one step at a time. I have gotten rid of loads of childhood stuff so I have used the opportunity to let go and feel really fab!
Not back in work til Wednesday so hopefully will be there by then!
But to new starts which was the theme of this journal and what I was implementing while away in temporary accomodation!
8th April 2010
Well hello there,
It's a beautiful day today so I may as well use this opportunity to tell the world about my adventures. Not that I am sure anyone is interested but I guess a blog/member journal is the novel I write and I am overdue an entry.
Firstly however, I have gone awol from the internet world. This time it wasn't voluntary. It's the results of the wazaks at Virgin Media. I can log in and check pm's from my phone but posting is impossible. Oh well, I will survive. I have been offline or on infrequent access for years so I am no stranger. Yes Virgin Media have suspended my home internet connection. Long frustrating story and must have spoken to just about *everyone* in India on the day when I got a letter telling me I owe them money. But basically, they no longer offer dial up. They also can not offer broad band in my area so I have been forced into sourcing alternative landline/internet arrangements. I have agreed to a deal with the Post Office - I get broadband for the same price as I had with Virgin so all's good. We will see how it goes anyway. I should have my line put in in the next couple of weeks.
But I am good. I have several challenges on at work. I rise to the challenge always and am currently trying to find a Bengali speaking counsellor, a tinnitus retraining therapist, and an acceptance and commitment therapist. It's rather nice to be backing and forthing e-mails trying to find an expert to take on a case even if it is hard work trying to locate these therapists sometimes.
I am alive and cooking at home... literally. In that I have a new cooker for my new kitchen. I am really enjoying building my new home. It's an amazing feeling to have told myself "scrap that. You aren't going to be a junkyard for anyone's opinions anymore and you are going to work toward what you want." It's all part of caring for me better. Years upon years went by and I realised I deprived myself of so much. I deferred things due to lack of money and that fear of the lack of money stopped me from progressing. Now I realise that yes, money is an issue (it always is) but the threat of a £100 bill shouldn't detract you from getting what you deserve or want.
I can't believe that graduation is just 4 weeks away. So much to do there one way or the other. When I agreed on a May graduation in December I thought, "well I have loads of time to organise it as I have 6 months." Those 6 months has rapidly turned into 4 weeks. I did not want to make moves on organising it until I had moved back and as that didn't happen til March time certainly ran away with itself.
I thought that I would not be able to get away to celebrate my graduation. Mainly because of the cost of critter care (kennels and cattery). But I have since come to a compromise situation. In that dogs can travel free on the train and ferry down to Isle of Wight, so Sasha is coming with me and we are having a holiday for a couple of nights. Just need to root out a couple of pet-friendly places to stay. Milo will have to stay home alone with a clean litter tray, the radio and an automatic feeder. I wouldn't leave him for any longer than a couple of nights but he should be fine for a little while. In fact he would enjoy being home alone rather being stuck in the cattery. He never did like the cattery when he had to go in when I had to go away on OU schools. So it's quite exciting. I haven't had a proper holiday for about 20+ years so an overnight stay anywhere would be exciting....seriously.
Easter was nice. It was nice to have a long weekend. It was muchly needed - the long weekend at Christmas seems such a long time ago now.
And the news of the general election? No surprise really but I think nothing will change. New face, same old rubbish as we sleep walk further and further into a nanny state. The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer and we will still have diminishing freedom. I have a good mind to lead the "spoil the ballot paper" party and take my democratic right to silence. But then I am just far too cynical for my young years but I think apathy is good for the soul sometimes. Can't thrash energy on something which is frankly a wasted effort.
Til next time.........................
19th April
This is a test journal update. Testing 1, 2, 3, 4 am I coming over the internet loud and clear? If I am then I should give myself a gold star as I have just set up broadband all by myself (though had to have a move around in the living room so the pc was near phone socket). I think it's time to run around and shout women's liberation heehee.
It's amazing to make the switch over to broadband I must admit. Not only are websites coming straight up but it's weird to not hear the dial up sound. Though, a couple of problems so far and am awaiting a call back from the post office. But in any case, I can now tell virgin media to foxtrot oscar.
Not much to say since my last lunchtime update. Off work today. Then only 2 weeks to go after this week before I am on holiday for a week.
Ah, must admit having home internet connection it makes things like researching my trip easier.
Lets hope this lasts
28th April 2010
Well, I am thinking I am ready for my graduation on May 1st. Am nervous but am ready. However, I have heard there is a possible tube disruption on Saturday. Just had to be on the day I am going into London.
The information I have got from National Rail, it seems it is just the circle line so once I am in Paddington I am going to need to find my own way to the Barbican. But I am concentrating on having a nice day on Saturday. After all I have worked and battled hard for it.
I have a hair appointment at 9.15am just for a trim and tidy up so I can go to London nicely groomed. I have reserved a nice top from the per una range at Marks and Spencers, which comes with a necklace and also a nice black skirt, so am picking that up on Friday when I get paid. Am not guilty at spending £50 on an outfit!
I shall have lunch early on the way up to London. I am hiring a spare gown on the day. I was not able to hire it beforehand as was strapped for cash. But they have assured me that they always have plenty of spares so I can hire on the day and pay in cash.
I am just going to enjoy the experience of being robed, photographed and the ceremony.
Getting to this day was a long hard slog. There was a time when I never thought this day would come about and not because I did not have the intelligence for it either. There was a time when I thought I was stuck in my own impoverished rut with no way out no matter how hard I tried to fight my way out of my box. I won't say that I was not without help to get back onto the course but mostly it was down to me. Reading courses, submitting assignments year upon year while juggling a full-time job and running a house. Not getting too disheartened or disencouraged when I got a bad mark but sticking with it when the going got tough or I was beyond tired.
So, I may only be the holder of a lowly 2:2 BSc psychology hons degree but I know how hard I have worked for this place so I will definitely be enjoying my day.
My Dad will be missed in the celebration. He should be here having his moment. He should be looking on proudly saying "that's my girl" and there is a part of me that misses that he was robbed of his moment of pure joy. But as per the title, celebrations have to go on because my life goes on.
Mum? She's been gone so long (21 years this year), I haven't a clue what she'd think but I am sure she would be proud too.
In other news, all is okay. Looking forward to my week off next week. I admit I am a bit of a geek. In that I have signed up to do a level 1 law course with the OU next year. Level 1 law should be a walk in the park compared with level 3 philosophy I did last year
I couldn't stay away could I?
I am not after linking it to another degree and this is all assuming I get financial support but I do miss having something productive to do, solely for me. It's not like I haven't got enough on my plate right now what with the house stuff (that's just happening slowly - I love the slow steady dilgent approach) and trying to get back into my swan rescue volunteer work so I can eventually pursue an animal psychology career and take the necessary postgraduate course.
So much good stuff on the horizon.
Life is good!
11th May 2010
As I have loads of thoughts to blog about. I must say I prefer member journals rather than blogs.
I am just on my first week back in work after a week off so am well rested, relaxed and full of energy.
Firstly let me say that I have gone AWOL again. I seem to have a catalogue of computer problems recently.
I came home from work on 30th April tired thinking "yay, one weeks holiday." I switched my home monitor on and went to have a quick check online to relax a bit before thinking about that evening's proceedings when the computer gave me it's no responding nonsense. The only way to solve that was to re-boot the computer. So I duly re-started and of course, my virus scanner had updated when I had connected my broadband, so on starting up I needed to activate windows. This is where my problem started....... I got to the activation screen and typed in my product key. It was not accepted. Getting frustrated, I rang microsoft (the number on the screen) and they were about as much use as a chocolate teapot. Upon closer inspection of the sticker on my tower, I had the product key for windows 98! But I had Windows XP! I bought my pc second hand in 2007 just to complete my studies and basically, I had been sold a machine without the licence key. Oh I was frustrated. I was tired at the end of the week and had been ejected from the internet against my wishes so I was frustrated. It's odd when matters occur and I am forced offline I am kicking and screaming about being without it. Yet as days go on and I get used to not being online at home, I wonder why I am addicted to the internet. To be honest, the internet is a good facility to have at home now everything is done online but I find it a complete addictive waste of time sometimes. I find myself getting sucked into things (I have an addictive personality), and pratting around knowing that all I am doing is wasting time and should be doing far better things and I get angry and frustrated within myself.
Stand up and take ten steps away from the mouse.
Because when I do I am relaxed and wonder why I get addicted to it. After all, I still have mobile net to check email and update the sub intelligent site and network for attention-seeking (telling people what you are doing) called facebook. I am on the stage! It's all about me! Deborah Kent is sitting at her computer and picking her nose.
Ewww - no not really lol but I have to inject some humour into this blog entry.
But anyway, during my holiday I was in cahoots with a local computer company. They told me they could offer me the licence from a machine they were disposing at a nominal sum and then just charge me again a nominal sum to install windows. BUT I realised that getting this fixed is going to cost me more or less the same as getting "new" esp as I will need Word etc so I am on the look out for a new or second hand computer at the moment.
Anyway, my graduation on Saturday 1st May was an amazing magical experience. I woke early on 1st May, got myself all dressed up and headed into town for my hair appointment. Left the hairdressers feeling a million dollars and proceeded to go up to London. Travel on the underground was fine......... Even though I am not that enthralled with the tube. I find it a little claustraphobic and being squashed into the train the carnage that would ensue if there was a problem is made real. But I got up to ground level unscathed and this is where the problems started.................... lol
I was in the city of London not with a scooby where I was going. I did ask for help a couple of times but the lovely people in the shops could not understand me. Odd that, get a job in Pret a Manager and do not have even the basic command of English. I have never felt more like a foreigner in my own land. But no worries, I got a taxi to Barbican and arrived safe and sound.
I had been to the Barbican in my younger years when I had my classical guitar exams but the building was unfamiliar. So it took me a while to find where I registered, get my gown, get robed, photographed and the stall door. I felt sad when the lady gave me my tickets and said "no guests?" as I realised that I would have loved my Dad to have been present. But I said no calmly and walked on........... I however think I was about to cry when I realised that I did not have enough money for a photo. But they took pity on me and said they will invoice me and allowed me to get my picture taken. So that was good!
The ceremony was a grand occasion, from the musical performance at the start to walking across the stage to shake hands with the vice chauncellor. It was quite hard to believe that that day had arrived. I had worked for n years and I too was a graduate in line.
Getting back was as tricky as getting there. It was pouring with rain but I got back okay. Back home shattered and thought, what an amazing day. Had an early night.
Then the down came........... The sadness of goals completed, the fact that family had not been with me and together with the laziness of holiday I did not get much done in the first few days of my time off.
By Wednesday, I was back to being productive and took off with the dog to Portsmouth. I decided against my trip on this occasion. Couple of reasons, one was financial and two was that the dog had never travelled on the train. So I wanted to see how she was on the train before putting her through a long journey. We had a nice time. I find it is nice to just hop on a train and just wander about at your destination. The dog travelled well. The only problem we had was that she cutely jumped on the seat to be next to me as though she was on the sofa at home! lol I had to get her down and she was fine curled up at my feet.
I met with a friend on Saturday for coffee and chat. An old OU friend. Old meaning that I have known her for a long time (since 1998), not referring to her. So it was nice to catch up and we have promised to do something in the summer.
Then I was ready and raring to go back to work on Monday! Got to work and found I have a payrise, so that's a yay. And have energy to continue scraping the walls back at home in the evening after work.
Til next time.....................
29th May 2010
In time for a bank holiday weekend! Fixing the computer was really simple so I am back yay!! Even if I had the occasional lurk from my phone, it's nice to be back and active again. My computer is an old machine but broadband still works so I am happy. If I get a few months use out of it, enough to do my projects then I will be happy.
Well not sure if anyone reads member journals anymore as you all seem to have migrated over to blogs. I hope if member journals do go, we get warning so we can find somewhere else to place our writing.
So I have lots of things on the go in my head now and I needed a home internet connection to do it so I a raring to go!