Breaking Dawn = Disappointment

Aug 03, 2008 15:20

Okay.. I'm sorry. I know I said I would wait but I just can't help it. I really need to get my feelings out.

If you haven't finished reading Breaking Dawn - please stop reading now because this will ruin the story for you if you continue reading this.

I feel let down about it. I guess that's the way to put it. Harry Potter ended, and I didn't feel this... empty. I'm very disappointed with the plot. Stephenie Meyer left the third book COMPLETELY open, she could have done a lot... but she chose to do it this way.

Don't get me wrong, the writing itself was great. She is a great writer. I just don't like what she did with the characters. Bella always seemed so REAL. So... human. So... ordinary. And Meyer's whole purpose of having her that way was so normal, ordinary, human girls could relate to the books. But she isn't normal anymore in the fourth book. She gets pregnant with a vampire baby? And it's freaking sucking all her blood and killing her? Like... honestly? Okay, and MAYBE. MAYBE that's realistic. MAYBE that happens. Who knows. But for JACOB to imprint on Bella's BABY?! Meyer... you're reaching. I don't think she knew what to do with Jacob, honestly. It disappoints me a lot. Because Bella wasn't Bella anymore.

And REALLY, it bothered me that I knew half of the stuff before the marvelous Cullens even figured it out. OBVIOUSLY the baby needed blood. It's a fucking vampire baby. OBVIOUSLY they were going to get caught by the Volturi. And Bella was just a thoughtless bitch! She knew Tanya's family's story... um, hello? There was a REASON you knew it. WHY would you keep the vampire baby, one who will get your entire family killed, one who will ruin EVERYTHING you worked for? It seemed so unrealistic to me. Common sense Bella. Common sense.

I think the reason I am so disappointed was because I built it up so much. I was so excited, and I just couldn't wait... honestly, I now think that no matter what Meyer did... I wouldn't be satisfied. That troubles me. I feel like this whole thing was such an important deal and now it's over and it's not even worth what I put into it... what now? I'm not too excited about the movie now that I know how the series ends. And I'm not too sure I want to read the second Host book since this is what she made Twilight out to be. I've never wanted to cry over a book more in my life, but this is actually bringing tears to my eyes.

And maybe I'm overreacting, I tend to do that a lot. But I can't help but wonder how many other girls out there have put herself in Bella's shoes just to be let down by this because this is something that will NEVER happen. The first three seemed semi-realistic because I suppose vampires could exist amongst humans, and probably werewolves too. But to have a vampire's baby, be changed into a vampire yourself, and then have your werewolf best friend imprint on your baby so they'll be together forever? I don't know. Very... unlikely.

Time to start something new. Become obsessed with something else. Now that Twilight is just getting big with everyone else, it's time to move on. J.K. Rowling's ending of Harry Potter wasn't that good either. Is it just that I'm not satisfied with anything? Honestly... why does everything have to have a happy ending? Maybe I wouldn't have minded the book so much if Bella and Edward did die... and her kid and Jake got away and it's just them at the ending. That would have been decent, too. I don't know. It seems like maybe she was just pushed for time. Don't get me wrong, I'll still read Midnight Sun. But if Breaking Dawn is released into a movie, I probably won't see it. I'll see the first three, and that's about it. Because as far as I know, there's only three books in the Twilight series. Breaking Dawn is a whole separate issue.

Please don't be too harsh on me. These are just my thoughts and ideas. My feelings. I just needed to write. I needed to vent. I need to get over it, and move on, and quit living vicariously(sp?) through characters in books. I need to be satisfied with what I have and make the most of my life. Because Bella and Edward are right. Human life is too short.
It's highly unlikely I'll be changed into a vampire or anything immortal anytime soon. And even if I was... do I REALLY want that? It seems nice the more you read about it in romance books... but is it really like that? Maybe it is better to live a good 80 or 90 years... have kids, get married, buy a house... do the normal human things, and then just die. Just start over next life. Books may be a disappointment... but I don't want to look back 80 years later and say the same thing about my life.

I need to live.
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