ooc: Farewell Post

Mar 30, 2009 19:31

I hate to write this entry, but...it's been quite a while in coming. My C'rizz muse abandoned me a long time ago. Since then, I've been just barely writing enough to maintain my membership at oncoming_storms. Honestly, I wrote the majority of my latest story back in October, and it's taken me this long even to edit and finish it. And today, I finished the fic, and I've left the community.

I'm not just leaving my only writing community, though. Right now, I have to admit that I don't have any inspiration to write C'rizz. I have very little inspiration or time for writing at all, and I need to shift what little time I have back to my original stories. So while I'm not going to be "closing" this LJ or getting rid of it, and I will continue to post anything here that I write for C'rizz (if I do), I can say with a relative degree of certainty that I don't expect to be returning any time soon.

Thanks so much to the people who friended me! I had a great time interacting with you and reading your awesome stories. And I'm sorry that so long has already passed since I last went around reading and commenting. It wasn't for lack of interest, I assure you!

But at the moment, I have too many eggs in too many baskets, and something has to give. Even though I'm leaving this journal, if any of you want to follow me personally, drop me a line here or at my personal LJ, kmegumi2. Otherwise, any future Whofic will still go up on my Teaspoon account.

Keep being amazing, you guys! And thanks for welcoming C'rizz and helping me have a great time during my short stay ♥.


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