Note: Set after Scaredy Cat.
“You thought that you could help them, C’rizz?”
The Eutermesan groaned, rolling over in bed at the sound of the voice in his head. “Not now.”
“The Doctor said that they had to die. Why did you steal the antidote?”
“I had to at least try to help, didn’t I?” he asked angrily, rubbing his temple as he attempted to block out the chatter.
“You could have helped them. Their misery didn’t have to continue, my love. It didn’t have to happen like that.”
C’rizz winced. “L’da... It wasn’t like what happened with you. There was still hope for these people.”
“But you gave them the antidote, and they still died. Horribly.”
“All things must die, C’rizz.”
“Why did you sentence them to that torment?”
“Why did you not want them to join us?”
“Why didn’t you save them?”
C’rizz put his hands over his ears, even though he knew by now that it would do nothing about the voices. “Stop it, all of you. This was different!”
“Why was it different?”
“All things must die!”
“You didn’t listen to us. You didn’t even listen to the Doctor!”
“Stop it!” C’rizz cried. “I did it because they deserved a chance!”
“All things must die.”
“You should have saved them. Like you saved us.”
“All things must die.”
“You’ll save everyone one day, won’t you?”
“Everyone should be saved.”
“Yes,” the Eutermesan agreed, tossing in bed at the intensity of the voices in his head, “Yes, I will! Of course I will. But not yet. They weren’t ready yet.”
“But they died!”
“I didn’t know that they would. I had to try.”
“You should have saved them.”
“You should have saved them!”
“You should have saved them!”
“No.” C’rizz’s voice was defiant. “No, I made my choice.”
“All things must die.”
“I know that, Father. But there’s a choice first. And no matter what you all say, you can’t stop me from making it.”
Ignoring their indignant protests, the Eutermesan turned over and attempted to go back to sleep. He had made his choice, and he would not talk to the voices any more tonight.
354 Words