Mar 15, 2004 14:21
today is my last day of spring break. im kinda sick too. i think its just allergies tho. overall spring break was pretty good. first i had the trip to france con mi padre. we did soo much walking i think i lost like 5 pounds just in my butt. lol. i really like it there. in europe, the atmosphere is just so different. someday i want to bring my friends with me. that would be the most amazing trip ever. it was really cold. it snowed a little bit too. i got home thursday night and i had to leave for my retreat the next afternoon. i was looking forward to it cause i knew mckenzie and kat would be very fun. they definitely were. we really made a good group of friends too. me mac kat allison john patrick scuba steve and sean. me and john kinda had a thing, but it wasnt much really i guess. i dont really know what to think of it. eek im talking to him on the computer now and he is telling me how much he likes me. i dont really know my feelings. (mckenzie, please tell me your thoughts) oh well. im so glad we had a good time and i really like hanging out with all of these people. i really dont wanna go to school tomorrow. i dont like it at all. who knows..just when you think everything is going wrong then it gets a whole lot better. you know? i think i can tough it out.