It's been a long time since I updated. But there's a lot to tell.
I don't even know where to begin. The last thing I remember writing about was L and his douchebaggery. Well, it hasn't gotten any better - if anything, it's got worse.
Let's see. I filed a formal complaint, based on the account I wrote up for livejournal - modified for work people, obviously. And it took ages for anything to come of it, and for a while I sort of forgot about it. Not about how much I hate L, clearly, since I was confronted with him every day for a long time, but then we started a new rotation and he was on days, and for a while it was like nothing had ever happened. Then I started getting calls from HR, they wanted to move forward with the complaint, and I had to rewrite it into clear, concise bullet points that outlined the complaints I had without clouding the issue with my personal distaste for him.
That would have been all shiny, but we were in the middle of packing and trying to move, so I admit I put it off for a week or so, but finally I sent it though, and then I get a call from A (the HR lady, who basically handled the whole thing) saying that L had been informed that there was a formal complaint against him, and he'd gone running to the union and had a "support person" which I think was total bullshit, since the complaint never even made it to mediation.
Yeah, that's right. I'll say it again. Despite all the shit that went down, outlined in my last entry about L, the complaint NEVER WENT TO MEDIATION.
So I was angry enough about that - the last I heard, was me getting called in for a meeting with A, ostensibly to give my side of the story, but what really happened was that I schlepped all the way in to work just to have her tell me that they weren't going to take it any further, and that he and I should just stay away from each other and be professional.
The very next shift I worked with him, he passed me in the hall, and he had this look on his face like "nyah nyah nyah" which would have been aggravating enough, but he was also going "ha ha ha ha" in a really snide tone under his breath. So I went to N, one of the shift managers, and said, despite the fact that they've asked us to remain professional, he clearly isn't, and I want that on the record.
Later that shift, N told me he'd spoken to L, and L had promised to stay away from me. Well, I'll believe that when I see it.
Key in this story, is the fact that I am great, magical friends with this guy, P. He's, like, my greatest guy mate at work. We're such close friends, even after such a short time of me working there, that there are huge rumors going around that he and I are sleeping together (even though everyone apparently knows I'm gay. Jeez, I really get around, huh?) ANYWAY P and L have had animosity going WAY back, that started well before I came on the scene, but with me and P being such good friends, L renewed his shit, I guess.
And okay, P wasn't totally blameless. Changing L's name on the taxi list (not enough so he missed out, just things like moLESter and LESbian, hahaha), calling him a faggot under his breath (which I scolded him for) and generally just not being friendly. But shit really started to go down when L and I happened to be in the same blackjack spot - P blew me a kiss, L thought it was meant for him, and turned NASTY.
We were all coming back from break and being given tables, and P and L had to walk past each other. Well, L deliberately shoulder checked P, and P went after him and did it back. P immediately went to W, the shift manager, and said look I know I shouldn't have retaliated, but if you check the cameras, he totally started it.
W pulled the footage, and sure enough, there it was. Only, L talked his way out of it, like he always does. And according to W, the footage wasn't conclusive - motive couldn't be proved. Whereas P very clearly had intended his actions.
P had been in disciplinary meetings all week for something else he did - broke confidentiality by posting something about a patron on Facebook. Stupid thing to do, really - half the shifties and execs have Facebook accounts, and saw it straight away. So P was already in the shit for that, but then this physical altercation on the MAIN FUCKING GAMING FLOOR happened, and he was in for another round of meetings.
They suspended him.
They fucking suspended him, even though he didn't start it, and throughout all of L's poking, prodding and provoking, this was the first time he'd really REACTED, and they did NOTHING to L, just suspended P.
Well anyway L had been on days off, so I was looking when I went in tonight if he was there - cos at that stage I didn't know if he'd been suspended as well. But of course, he wasn't. He was standing there with that same smug, self satisfied smile on his face, this time with an added element of "nyah nyah, I got P suspended." I burst into tears, though I calmed down reasonably quickly, but I was in a funk for most of the night.
The P and L stuff aside, the night sucked ass. I had a shitty Tai Sai game - the chick. Oh, the chick. I'll blog about her in the next entry, I promise, but suffice to say, I wanted her to lose all her money just so she'd LEAVE. I had a shitty mini baccarat game - having to deal with the Old Man and the Annoying Fountain-Haired Overall Wearer. I was just in a foul mood.
So then I get put on stud poker with my most hated inspector, R. And I hate her because she's disgusting, revolting, foul, anything you can think of. She's the kind of woman who can only hear you if you have a penis. She's the kind of woman who will drape herself all over the men, even if their wives are in the vicinity, and flirt her ugly face off, because she likes the attention. She's in her early thirties but she looks fifteen years older because she's so fucking shriveled and foul.
Anyway I hate her because I shouldn't HAVE to call for her three or four times, just to get her to stop throwing herself at the male patrons and do her fucking job. So tonight she comes over and is all like, keep your eyes on your table, concentrate on your job (I'd been watching the tv, apparently - I hadn't realized I was doing it, lol, and so when it was pointed out to me later by someone I actually gave a shit about, i.e. W, I apologized and said I hadn't meant to, but I'd try harded), and so I snapped at R that I "hadn't taken my gorram eyes off the poxy table" because at that stage, I hadn't realized I had, haha.
R is like, all malignant, and when I come off the table, tells me to go and see the pit boss B, because she's obviously told on me for being a naughty girl (!) which I take with a pinch of salt. B said I was watching tv, I said oh, shit, my bad, B said don't do it again, I said okay. Then I mentioned to B about R's disgustingness, and he said he'd look out for it, but by then the damage had already been done, and my mood had deteriorated even further.
Thankfully, my last table was a bunch of sweet middle aged Chinese guys. They gave me no trouble whatsoever, and we were even laughing and joking a bit (as much as you can with a huge language barrier between you) and then my chest started tightening. Asthma attack. GREAT timing, body.
I tried to get the inspector's attention, but she couldn't hear me - and this particular inspector LOVES me, so I know she genuinely didn't hear me, so this isn't her fault at all - but after five or so minutes of not being able to breathe properly, I started getting dizzy, so I started to panic, which made things worse, and I YELLED for the inspector. To her credit, once she realized there WAS a problem, she LEAPED into action, bless her.
But I was wheezing and bawling my eyes out again, and in the end they said I could cut out an hour early. Which brings me to now - Taken inhaler, breathing back to normal, starting to feel better about things.
Oh well. At least I managed to avoid a taxi ride with L.