To walk forward in the sundering

Jul 19, 2009 14:07


May the fire be in your thoughts,
Making them good and just.
May it protect you from all harm
May the fire be in your eyes,
May it open your eyes to see what is good in life.
May it protect you from speaking against another.

May the fire be in your ears.
We pray that you may hear with deep listening
So that you may hear the flow of water
And of all creation and the Dreaming.

May you be protected from gossip
And from those things that harm
and break down your family.

May the fire he in your arms and hands,
So that you may be of service and build up love.
May the fire protect you from all violence.

May the fire be in your whole being, In your legs and feet,
Enabling you to walk the earth with respect and care,
So that you may journey in ways of goodness and trust
And be protected from walking away from what is true.

prayer, fire

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