Aug 16, 2005 12:29
Went to Katie Rose's bday party last night. We did sake bombs among other things. I drank too much. But I had a lot of fun. I met a lot of cool people. Got home, got in bed, got dizzy, threw up, got back in bed, passed out, woke up still drunk, but wasn't SURE if I was still drunk, refused to get out of bed, overslept an hour, was late to work an hour, worst busride ever, was SO hungover. Came to work, couldn't drink water out of the watercooler because, get this, there'S ALGAE growing in it.
Hahaha. And one of my co-workers brought me a HUGE chocolate chip cookie and the other brought me an enchillada. Which means that I'm not eating rice today. HUZZAH.
But still hungover feeling. HAHAHA.