[oom] Dream A Little (Victoria Cays)

Jun 23, 2010 22:39

Ramon had spent a week in the cells, and she'd visited him every day.  Security had let her through the barrier to check on him, but only for a few minutes.  It'd been enough to see to it that he had enough pills to keep him set.  And a book or seven.  (She knows he likes to read, even if he'd never admit it out loud ( Read more... )

oom, ramon, victoria cays

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latino_menace June 24 2010, 20:53:02 UTC
He feels grey. The cells in Milliways are boring and he's had more than his share of pain to keep him company. The books, and her visits, have livened the days a little but the pills have knocked him out for much of the rest of it.

Now though, he's feeling a bit more alive. Just being in the sun helps. But things aren't right still and it's nowhere more obvious than in the lines on her face, the way her skin is pulled even more tightly than normal over her muscles.

'You need to eat something.'


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 21:03:05 UTC
She turns her head, one finger lowering her dark shades so she can look into his eyes. A soft smile crosses her features.

"I had toast with coffee this morning."

That was hours ago.


latino_menace June 24 2010, 21:04:52 UTC
'Then its time you had something proper.'

He's not...actually offering to make it, as him cooking would probably mean she carried on starving. But he won't stop nagging until she does.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 21:08:13 UTC
She reaches out a hand, the backs of her knuckles grazing down his jaw.

"Are you worrying about me over there?"


latino_menace June 24 2010, 21:39:21 UTC
'You look thin.'

He'd use the word concern rather than worry but no matter. She's skinny as it is but this is taking it to new levels.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 21:45:58 UTC
Her brow furrows a bit.


She sees that concern in the lines of his face. It's -- touching.

"Just at my fighting weight." He thinks she might be going to argue the point, and she thinks about it for a moment. If he's noticing it, then maybe he's right. She sits up and reaches for her wrap. When you're on a private island, sunbathing requires no suit at all.

"All right, come on. Maybe you can help me work up an appetite later?"


latino_menace June 24 2010, 21:49:57 UTC
'You need to ask?'

Duh, Fiona.

His hand goes to his crotch, with a smirk.

'About time it got another good workout. Need to see if he's back to his fighting weight.'

Another stretch of forced abstinence has not gone down well with him.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 21:54:56 UTC
She's shaking the sand out of her towel and folding it up, grinning and then laughing outright when he grabs himself.

"Baby, you have nothing to worry about. Believe me. Come on. How does burgers sound?"

She offers her hand to him.


latino_menace June 24 2010, 21:57:26 UTC

Its food. It'll taste good. He's not particular. So he gets up and takes her hand, shaking sand out of the leg of his shorts.

'And then I'm getting in the jacuzzi, I think. I fucking hate sand. And you're coming with me.'

Just FYI, Fi.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 22:04:38 UTC
She tilts her head and smiles at him, trying for his sake to shake off the black mood that's been haunting her for the passed few weeks.

"More than one way to drown our sorrows, I suppose."

She makes them a quick lunch, perching at the end of the bar to eat, washing each bite down with a swallow of beer. She eats the whole burger, a rarity for her, but then, he's watching to make sure she eats every bite.

"There. Better?"

She doesn't sound put out, not in the least.


latino_menace June 24 2010, 22:08:18 UTC

He leaves half of his but that's not unusual. He tends to get bored halfway through a meal. He's on his second beer though, and toys with the glass as he looks at her.

'What's been up? You've been different since I got out.'


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 22:20:19 UTC
She meets his gaze, and for a moment, she just looks at him.

"Nightmares came back while you were gone. Bad ones."

There was a time, not that long ago, she wouldn't have answered his question so directly. But things are different now. And she's trying to live up to that promise, that bit of hope.


latino_menace June 24 2010, 22:22:21 UTC
He blinks but his face is mostly expressionless.

'I didn't know you got them.'

She's generally seemed to sleep pretty well, as far as he knows.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 22:32:32 UTC
She looks down at her hands, and nods, looking younger for just a moment.

"It's been awhile since I've had a bout. Guess I was due."

And the lack of sleep, and stress of the passed few months didn't help.


latino_menace June 24 2010, 22:36:12 UTC
'Do you remember them?'

Not that he wants to drag them back up, but he's curious as to what they're about, if she remembers.


justcallmefee June 24 2010, 22:46:36 UTC
Again, a small nod.

"Flashes, yes. Some of them are old friends."

She takes a long sip of her beer, her gaze distant.

"Sarajevo. Spent a week chained in a metal box in the middle of winter."


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