Jul 16, 2006 03:26
so the summer seems to be going by WAY too fast, yet at the same time each day sort of drags on. I guess it's funny how that works sometimes.
it's getting to be about that time again where i just type and don't pay attention to what i'm typing. i have some things i definately need to get out somewhere...hmmm...bottled up thoughts are never good things in my case.
WORK: 60-70 hours a week will mess with your head... in other news...
Lately i have been dying/highlighting a few people's hair with happy results. (note to self: continue to look into going to cosmetology school once graduated).
I have been going to other stores to work and the GM's at 2 other stores want me to go work for them. On top of that, I got 3 nice comments from Betsy who in the past has made me feel like crap every day i come to work. So yay for me...i think that's saying something?
I'm considered one of the fast/good people at my second job (Target) and me and the other girl who's good talk all kinds of crap about the people we don't like. for some reason, at 4-8am this is incredibly good times.
I need to go get a passport ASAP for my trip to England. WOOOO...scared yet excited at the same time. I definately need to do some "teacher clothes" shopping sometime soon.
boys will never cease to confuse the crap out of me. no further comments on this at this time.
doing kinda crappy in the "friends" category. I heard on the radio a few days ago that 1:4 people consider themselves friend-less. That was kind of a sad statistic. Maybe all those people without friends need to meet each other. i feel as if i have a few close friends that i can (and do...those of you who are included in this category know this!!!!) tell anything to, so i guess that's better than having a lot of "so called friends" who never talk to you or are never there for you.
thanks to everyone who's been helping me get thru life the past couple months. i realize how crazy/bitchy/whatever you want to call it i was for quite some time. i think i'm starting to come out of that phase, so that's good news.
this entry wasn't nearly enough as honest/deep/insiteful as i had hoped to make it. i never was good at putting things into words...hmm.
anyway, hope everyone out there in computer land is doing well catching up on people's lives. Hope this helps for anyone who was interested.