I'm on a mission to become more positive despite my circumstances. In the grand scheme, I suppose life isn't so terrible, but I keep getting caught in this loop of frustration, and that can be, well, frustrating. I have already made it clear that I do not like Atlanta. Given. I am becoming more and more okay with that aspect of things. I can and will move away from here when the time comes, but I'm doing this right. I'm too old to just run away and move on a whim. That last sentence made me a little sad. I still don't shave every day, you know.
In all honesty, my situation isn't so bad. Good job and good house. There have been plenty of times when I've had neither, or just one, or what have you. If I lived a no frills, no fun kind of life, I would probably be snug as a bug in a rug. Herein lies the problem though. I do NOT live a no frills no fun life, and I have no intention of starting that, well, boring sort of existence now. Hence, I am not snug, not a bug, and I have no rug. In other places and at other times, it seemed like my every waking moment was an adventure, and if it wasn't, then it was right around the corner. Some more prominent than others, and some were definitely more dangerous than I would like to admit, but the fact remains that I had them, I loved them, and I never had to really go looking for them. Now it seems that adventure is few and far between. I don't know if I can attribute that to my current locale, my ever-advancing age, my half-assed attempts at becoming a "grown-up," or if adventure itself has simply waned. I seriously doubt it's that last one, but it is one of many potential scenarios I have cooked up in this big orange head of mine.
So I guess I'm asking: where did adventure go? I fear I'm the one who might have left it behind. It seems that every weekend I want to get the hell out of this city, and I often have trouble going back. Was I bred for irresponsibility? I know I can excel at the things I do professionally, but I still can't decide whether or not I want to. Does anyone else feel the need to break the cage every now and again just to see if you can rebuild it?
On to the next adventure. The Langerado Music Festival at beautiful Big Cypress, Florida. Four more days of music, drugs, and the finest in irresponsibility. You folks should go. I'm sure some of you like The Beastie Boys. And it's on a Seminole Reservation! That means no domestic laws apply! Check out the festivities at
http://langerado.com and let's plan some fun. If adventure isn't going to come up and bite me in the ass, then I'm going fun hunting.