Dec 20, 2004 19:21
HaPpY HoLiDaYs EvErYoNe!
5 more days till ChRiStmas!!!! XD
i built a gingerbreadhouse today. im very proud of myself :)
don't you hate it when people say that you need to hang out w/ them, but yet they never call you?! :\
so my break has been gay times many multiples.
i haven't got to sleep in once, and i've been working everyday.
the light of my break was the concert in which i saw paige kortney sarah and austin
austin made fun of my dad's hair...(by the way AUSTIN, i told him what you said.)
**everyone please remember that you need to spend time w/ your family this Christmas, i know it sounds cheesy, but you know i realized the other day that they do so much for you that you need to at least give up one day w/ you friends and do something fun w/ your family.**
We adopted Sephilile, a girl from Swaziland, South Africa. <3 (sponsored, like give her $, she's not living w/ us)
I talked to Lauren Parrish on Sunday :) haven't seen her since 4th grade!
you know, im not trying to be rude or anything, but somehow right now the phrase "out with the old, in with the new" seems to fit perfectly to my feelings about some people :\
where is everyone!?!?! ahhhhh. i havent heard from some people in forever! it's kinda depressing. :'(
< where are you 3