Mar 12, 2010 13:45

 Some times dudes I wish I wasn't repulsed when I choose not to ignore UsUk when I see it, so I could read more Doujinshis and FanFictions...
With Lemons in

But  wait- no. I don't want to be common...

In Mock The Week they had something on about Banoffee pie, which knowing me, I watched all ears.
It had Russel mentioning he'd try and attracts girl with being able to cook banoffee pie but knowing him the plan backfired as he went over to the girlfriend's house with no shirt, her family was over, and her dad was a chef. Personally anyone who knows/likes Banoffee is enought for me but w/e. Then Dara O'Briain talked about how he thought Banofee was a town in the UK that invented Banoffee pie and then someone else was like:
'Banoffee town, sistered with the French town Pecan.'

This made me happy.

LOL no one knows what Banoffee and mock the week are...

Mock the week is English show made for taking the piss out of the news and everthing that happened that week. It mostly gets at America if you ask me... 
Banoffee is the coolest pie ever, Banana+Toffee=Banoffee and long with Marmite and brown sauce are really cool English jazz that was never shared outside of England 'cause it's too amazing for the other countries and THAT's why people believe England is shit at cooking, because he doesn't share the good stuff.

fruk, banoffee

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