Lolo Bromios?

Jul 21, 2009 22:00

I’ll have a real update soon, I promise. Life’s been absolutely insane for the last three or four months, and it’s finally calming down. As it’s calming, I’m taking a little much-needed relaxing time, and I’m spending some of that time catching up on True Blood.

This post is not about the show as a whole. There’s no time for that. It’s sorta about the character of Maryann Forrester, who’s supposed to be a *gulp* maenad. There’s no time for the multiple levels of wrong they get there, but in fairness the producers deserve some credit for effort. See, they actually did a little research and found some actual Dionysian epithets for her to chant. I was sorta impressed, actually.

Except that apparently they didn’t actually have anyone conversant in ancient Greek on set for filming. There are American-style ‘ch’-es that sound nothing like any credible interpretation of a chi. And - and here’s the part where it just gets silly - as far as I can tell the script must have been printed in Arial. See, the text that simply must be “Io! Io! Bromios!” got read as - Hold your breath here - “Lolo Bromios!

I swear I laughed out loud when I heard it, shortly before realizing that I’m probably one of about two dozen people who would actually notice. Anyway, since several more of those two dozen are on my flist, I thought I’d share. Lolo Bromios!

(LJ Spellchecker Genius of the Day: Arial -> Aural)

geek, languages, spellchecker genius, classics, humor

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