Terrifyingly Fabulous, or How I got kicked out of Atlanta Gay Pride

Jul 05, 2008 19:39

I had a lot of fun at the Atlanta Pride Festival today. It was deeply satisfying to see so many wonderful people in an environment where where they can express their love for their chosen partners without society frowning on them simply because their chosen partners happen to be the same gender or sex as they are. It was fun to see people enjoying ( Read more... )

friends, yuck, society, gay pride, gay, spellchecker genius

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akiko_kalla July 6 2008, 16:43:16 UTC
OMG! Seriously, it isn't like there are people dressed in princess outfits, chain mail, bodysuits, and loin cloths or anything. You would think after making sure you weren't carrying anything they would be a little more accepting of DRESS at a festival on accepting people for who they are. (I will read the other comments you left, but I have to say my two cents.)

It isn't like we have enough supporters in the world to discriminate against black coats. That would be like telling the drag queens they aren't allowed to wear high heals because they might be used as a weapon. Maybe wear an entirely WHITE coat next time and see if you get the same response. Exact same coat, just white. Hell if you can give a me a pattern and measurements I'll make it.

Sorry, but this pisses me off. People are expressing themselves at a festival like this because they often can't...it shouldn't matter who you are. I understand them wanting to check to make sure you aren't carry anything dangerous (of course wouldn't it be a good idea to check that at the entrances?? So they didn't have to monitor everyone's fashion sense inside?), but asking you to leave is stupid. It goes against the spirit of Pride.

Sorry about the venting...hehe. I'm secretary of GLSEN here and although my voice won't hold much weight, especially in Atlanta, I'd be happy to write something for you on letterhead. :P Just voice my concerns about an experience my friend had...you know. Whatever you decide to do is up to you...I do think they need to admit they didn't handle it well so they can organize the festival better in the future, but it isn't exactly your responsibility to bring it to light so... ^_^ I'm sorry you had that experience though.


justben July 7 2008, 01:03:51 UTC
Thanks for your support. I didn’t see any chain mail there, though there were definitely some princesses (and some wonderful queens!) and even diapers. That one still baffles me. :-)

Anyway, today I was able to talk to a member of the Pride Committee. We kissed and made up, and all is well now.


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