Hot Weekend

Jul 05, 2005 18:57

It started out innocently enough. radiantbaby found out she was getting off work early on Friday for the holiday. Then I found out that I was as well, even earlier than she was. I spent a little time browsing websites about Cyprus (the island, not the tree), and then she and I hopped over to Thai Chili for some excellent lunch. After lunch we made our way up to Summits for a pleasant evening with the PA crowd.

The entertainment started when I got home. It was really hot. The air conditioner had been a little bit flaky, but now it seemed to be completely out. Great. It was late (past 2am, as I recall), so I figured I'd handle it in the morning. Lying down on my bed I noticed some wet spots on the ceiling. Above the bed. Right under the air conditioning unit.


I turned the AC officially off and went upstairs to check it out. Sure enough, the drip pan underneath it was completely full and overflowing into the attic above my bed. I stumbled downstairs to find a bucket and cup to empty it out. A little while later it was down to about half-empty. The pan is pretty wide and shallow, so that was all I could get with the tools at my disposal. Fortunately the unit itself apparently stopped dripping when I turned off the AC. Now it was just hot. And late.

I slept, though I didn't sleep well. I didn't sleep well all weekend, in fact. I spent a few hours on Saturday trying to get AC repair people out to the house. Unfortunately, with the holiday weekend not many people were responding. I did get a hold of one person, though, and he showed up to check it out. His verdict: there was a freon leak in the coil. I would need to replace at least the coil (~$1000) and preferably the entire inside unit (~$2000). He was very understanding when I told him that with those kinds of numbers I'd need to get a second opinion. Of course, nobody else was *open*, so it was going to be a little time.

Saturday evening we got a call from an old friend of radiantbaby. They hadn't seen each other in many years, and it turned out that now she lived just up the street from my house. Of particular note, her house had air conditioning. Yay! We went to visit her for the evening.

We had a very nice evening socializing. I got to see pictures of college-aged radiantbaby. It was neat to see what had changed and what had stayed the same. It was particularly neat how much more evident her more carefree college-age personality was around her old friend. We had dinner at El Lago, a local Mexican restaurant that usually has excellent food but miserable service. The service Saturday night was actually rather tolerable, and much chatting was accomplished. We took radiantbaby's friend back home and got caught by the TV. The Ladykillers was on, so we ended up staying up chatting as we all watched the movie. Eventually we dragged ourselves sleepily back to my hot home and got a little sleep.

Sunday we got up a little late, wallowed in sweat, and eventually made our way to iamtamtamiam's for Magic Monday, which was moved back a day for the holiday. There were *lots* of people there, and a good time was had by all. Or at least by me: I *think* other people had fun, but I *definitely* did. I played a little with the decks I had handy, but as people were ordering pizza I decided to put an old friend back together. For any readers familiar with my old Zubera deck, the new updated version was just as deadly as the old one. After winning twice with it, I decided to try to update another old deck and ended up with an interesting Snake deck. It was pretty flashy but easily dispatched. Late in the evening radiantbaby and I returned to my hot home to catch what sleep we could.

Monday should've been a busy day, too, but between the heat and all of the weekend's socializing we decided to take it easy. We had two -- count them, *two* -- parties scheduled for the 4th, but we were so frazzled that we had to just skip both of them and relax at home all day.

Tuesday (that's today) I skipped work to try to get my AC fixed. I got a hold of another local AC repair place with predictably less difficulty than I'd experienced over the weekend. It took them a while to get out to my house, but when he did make it he was able to patch the one freon leak he found and get the AC working again. He said that the leak will probably recur in time, but since the only leak he found was rather small, I should be good for quite some time.

That was an hour or three ago. Now I'm relaxing in relative comfort and about to get some sleep to recover from my long, hot weekend.

(LJ Spellchecker Genius of the Day: Lago -> Lego)

mtg, friends, spellchecker genius, home, socializing

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