Missed updates: Saturday a week ago

Jun 20, 2005 11:52

Yeah, I've been slacking. It's been pretty busy here. With apologies in advance for the multi-post about to happen, here's as far back as I can remember anything interesting happening: :-)

Last week Saturday was actually pretty fun. It was a nice break from the work stress that's been plaguing my life recently. radiantbaby and I started out sleeping late and then heading to lunch. We weren't sure where we were going, but as we drove down 400 we decided to try Mythos Greek Taverna. We'd been meaning to try there for quite some time, but it's far enough away to be easy to forget when actively seeking food. That day, though, we were actually heading into Atlanta, so it was right on the way.

I'm glad we finally made it. It was delicious. I didn't realize as we decided on the place that I was wearing my Poseidon shirt that day. I was a little embarrassed, to be honest: our waitress was obviously very Greek, and knowing that most modern Greeks are Greek Orthodox Christians, I didn't want to offend anyone's sensibilities. It didn't come up, though, and I even had an amusing moment. We were ordering appetizers, and apparently when I ordered my χτιπιτί (htipiti) I pronounced it well enough to impress her into asking if I was Greek. Whee! Anyway, really great food and a nice atmosphere, and honestly the best baklava I've ever had. The phyllo was soft and rich, in stark contrast to the dry stuff most places have. Really incredible.

Dinner took longer than expected between appetizer and entree and dessert, so we rushed down to Atlanta to see Howl's Moving Castle with friends. It was pretty good overall, though as a few have mentioned the end was a little unnaturally rushed. radiantbaby and I headed home to rest after the movie. It'd been a long week for us, and we really needed it.

(LJ Spellchecker Genius of the Day: htipiti -> HTTP)

languages, restaurants, spellchecker genius, food, movies

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