Revenge of the Sith

May 20, 2005 10:24

So I actually did see it. Midnight showing, opening night. I just didn't get around to posting about it right away. On the whole I really liked it. First the bad points, though. Star Wars names suck. They were passable in the original trilogy. I'm not sure why it is that they really suck now. Maybe I'm just jaded *shrug*. The dialog is also mediocre, and continuity-freaks will easily find gaping holes. None of this has changed since Episode I.

Somehow, though, I still liked it. Despite the fact that it started out pretty campy, it progressed well into the story of the twisting on Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader and the setup for Episode IV. The politics, the manipulation -- even the action scenes, really -- were just really effective once it picked up.

I expect I'll be seeing it again this weekend with radiantbaby.


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