For as long as I can remember, I have given my moment of silence and bowed my head in respects to our fore fathers whom had fought in the great world wars. My opa fought in WWII, on the german side (since he was german) And although he was on the 'axis', it was learned that it was against his will. One must fight and/or die for their country. Luckily when he was captured by the allies, he was able to survive the concentration camp. I give thanks to the allies for allowing him to live, and thus start my family.
Most importantly I give thanks to the generations before me that fought in the wars for freedom. I could never imagine fighting a war, having to face such awful situations. But these men and women did, and brought down a facist regime and allowed freedom once more.
For my Canadian veterans, and all those around the world affected..
Lest We Forget