Name: Stephanie
Are you over 16?: Significantly.
Personal LJ:
nickelodeonEmail: phelan.stephanie@gmail.com
Timezone: US EST
Other contact: Musuluigi123@aim (not usually on but can sign on if necessary!)
Characters already in the game: NONE.
How did you find us?: I was in this game very briefly a long time ago but would like to try RPing again!
Character name: Kevin Price
Fandom: The Book of Mormon (musical)
Timeline: I’m taking him from before he goes on his mission.
Age: 19
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths: Kevin is the smartest, best, most deserving elder his center has ever seen. He’s very talented in just about every area and he’s that guy that you just want to hate so badly because he’s good at everything yet also so likeable. (And he can belt out a mean tune to sing about it too!) Super religious, he also believes that he has his glorious Heavenly Father on his side and that he can get what he wants or needs because of it so that could be considered a weakness. Nothing magical or fabulous or anything, however, I imagine to the ordinary person, he is Super Annoying. His other, less important skills include the following:
-The ability to hold conversation without swearing or saying anything negative.
-Having perfectly combed hair and a bleach-white shirt.
-Randomly and skillfully breaking into song.
-The ability to recite the Book of Mormon in his sleep.
-Unrivaled morals.
-Super gullibility.
-The ability to light up a room with the sparkle of his smile.
-The unfathomable ability to speak only the truth.
How would they use their abilities?: He’s going to mostly use his abilities to confuse and infuriate everyone, annoying them at every turn. (And, with any luck, he’ll be able to convert people to Mormonism.)
Appearance: Kevin is a tall, handsome young man with his dark hair precisely combed and his white shirts neatly pressed and adorned with a black tie. (That is to assume he wears the same outfit every single day.) He has perfect posture, broad shoulders and a ridiculously cheesy smile. (
Background/Personality: Ever since Kevin was younger, he has tried to be the best at everything. He excelled at just about all things and made his family very proud (to the point in which they said he was blessed). So to say that he is an overachiever is a bit of an understatement. Raised in a very strict yet loving and large devout Mormon family, he had morals and values drilled into his head at a very young age. (An example of how strict his family is happened when he once stole a donut and blamed it on his brother who got grounded for two weeks. Not only that, but the guilt haunts Kevin to this day into having spooky Mormon hell dreams because he did something dishonest, lied about it and got his brother in trouble.) That being said, he is generally cheerful, peppy and helpful, smiling at most moments of the day. He loves his life and is incredibly loyal to his faith, putting all of his beliefs forward. (And boy does he believe! If Mormonism says that the Garden of Eden was in Jackson County in Missouri then by gosh, Kevin believes it without a doubt!)
However, on top of being completely obnoxiously virtuous, honest and filled to the brim with morals, Kevin has a few negative traits as well. Being told that he’s awesome his whole life, he is rather full of himself and can come across as a bit supercilious. (Usually not intentionally though.) When he is in a situation with someone who may “hold him back”, he doesn’t react maliciously but rather with a condescending aura of being able to do most/all of the work, the other person serving as his “sidekick” at most. When he was younger, he would sometimes have a sliver of doubt when he would learn about things in Mormon school. His parents told him that if he believed and worked hard for his faith, doing a good job in life, that he would get his own planet in the afterlife dedicated to himself. (A planet modeled after Orlando, Florida which happens to be his favorite place in the world. He loves Sea World, Disney World and going putt-putt golfing.) Because of that, he worked his darnedest to be the best Mormon ever and now he can’t wait to have God shake his hand and say: “You’ve done an awesome job, Kevin!”
Kevin has always been used to ringing people’s doorbells to spread the Book of Mormon to folks where he lives (Salt Lake City, Utah). However, upon turning nineteen, all Mormons go on a mission to another country with their mission brothers to help people find Heavenly Father through being a Mormon. Kevin takes great pride in this mission and believes it to be the most important part of his life and basically his coming of age. Even though he did not get the location or the brother he prayed for, he still takes it on full-on, believing that it’s all part of God’s big plan for him, never questioning or doubting. He does get visibly shaken and upset along the way though. Who wouldn’t, however, if you witnessed someone getting shot in the face or were threatened daily with AIDS or death? Mormons, Kevin included, are very good at “turning it off” in regards to their negative feelings. This includes bottling up and holding in all the bad things and just smiling despite it all. That all being said, Kevin is extremely good at hiding his slightly cynical side in favor of the more happy-go-lucky jolly Mormon we see 99% of the time. However, when push comes to shove, he can get rather on-edge. (I'm taking him from how he was before the musical. As the story progresses, he actually becomes really cynical toward just about everyone and ends up completely doubting whether or not God exists. Little specks of this part of his personality are present all throughout, however, I shan't be playing that full-blown Elder Price!)
He knows that he is destined for something incredible! (Something that will blow God’s freaking mind.)
Have you read up on how the game works?: The plug-in is the Flaming Ferret and Kevin will have to get a job in order to get money because he definitely would never steal anything without fear of having another spooky Mormon hell dream or having Jesus call him a dick. (Though, mooching is something he wouldn’t do intentionally.)
1st person sample: Well, even though this isn’t Orlando, I’m excited to get out and fulfill Heavenly Father’s plan! He wouldn’t have sent me here if he didn’t have something in mind and, by gosh, I don’t plan on letting him down now. Though this place definitely does make me a bit curious. I had this wacky thought that maybe I had died and gone to Planet Kevin after all but that can’t be true because I feel more alive than ever! All I have to do is think of my mission here and I’m ready for everything.
Though I wish Heavenly Father had seen it in his plan to supply me with at least one book…
3rd person sample: [ Kevin Price is very excited about his newly acquired means of spreading the words of Heavenly Father! How many young Mormons out there can get their word out without having to leave the comfort of their own room? While Heavenly Father did not find it in his plans to allow Kevin to do his mission in Orlando, these little devices were definitely put in the right hands! ]
Hello, my name is Elder Price and I would like to share with you a most amazing book.
[ With a cheesy smile, he holds up the Book of Mormon and can’t wait to open it up! His heart always feels just a little bit warmer when the book is open. ] It has so many awesome parts that you will simply not believe how much this book can change your life!
[ There is a pause in his usual preach as he gazes lovingly at the Book of Mormon in his hands. It has definitely changed his life though he can’t really think of a time in his life before it. After all, rather than Little Red Riding Hood, Kevin was read the exciting and true story of Joseph Smith instead. He can’t wait to share his faith with others, it makes him feel incredible! ]
I only have a limited number of books right now but I can get more so don’t worry about being the only one without one!
[ Oh yeah, he has to sign off of this thing, doesn’t he? ]
You’re welcome. [ And it’s turned off. ]
Questions?: None right now! Though since I have sample-writing-anxiety, here is a
dear_mun post I did:
http://dear-mun.livejournal.com/40755838.htmlDid you put your characters name and fandom in the subject: Should be there! If not, scold me and I’ll redo it.