OOC ★ Kurt's Verses

Aug 09, 2028 19:48



After taking part in reality TV show, Project Runway, the year after graduating McKinley, Kurt won and become a much sought-after New York fashion designer. He now has his own label "Hummelesque", with boutiques of the same name in New York, London, Sydney, and LA, and has a column in top fashion magazine, RAZOR, giving fashion tips to young New York socialites. His biggest selling line is a range of designer Haute Courture kilts, inspired by his unforgettable night at Junior Prom.

Whilst studying Fashion Design at the New York Fashion Institute of Technology, he managed to establish himself in the cutthroat New York fashion industry by schmoozing and sweet-talking the desperate housewives of the Upper East Side, who were willing to fork over any large sums of cash to try and start the next latest fashion trend in their social circles.

An ambitious Kurt would have done anything to establish himself in the industry in the early days (and did, which is a story for another day...) and now that he has graduated college and succeeded in his dreams, he is living it up in New York with the world at his feet. Does he miss performing? Hell to the yes, but he is too proud to admit that he desperately misses his New Directions roots at least once every single day and he harbours some terrible secrets that could only ever leave his old school friends reeling...

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: 10 year reunion, Klaine separation and future reunion, gay marriage, successful fashion designer Kurt, clinical depression, suicide attempt, and drug addiction


beyondmckinley is a post-McKinley college verse RPG. At the launch of the verse, Kurt has just turned 21 and is in his sophomore year at college. He is a Fashion Design major at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, and has been dating final year med school student,
bad2theboner for six months.

A college cruise to signify their anniversary sees Kurt running into faces from his McKinley past and also being discovered by a talent scout to star as the token gay guy in a New York soap opera where he will play a stereotypical gay Broadway star. With darling fag hag,
woman_or_a_girl at his side, Kurt is ready to finally take on the world, though what lies in the near furture very much remains to be seen, especially when old flame,
rockstarwarbler comes back into his life unexpectedly.

Now almost two years later, Kurt and Blaine are married but just when they think they couldn't face anymore tragedy in the wake of Blaine being shot and nearly killed in a mugging attempt, Kurt has been diagnosed with cancer, Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and the couple are facing the most hardship they ever had where their relationship will be tested like it never has been before.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: Klaine separation and reunion, college Kurt, gay marriage, HIV, violence by shooting, cancer, infidelity, coping with a serious illness


Five years sounded like a long time, but in reality, time had flown so fast, it almost felt like they had blinked and missed it. Five years ago - to the day - Kurt and Blaine tied the knot in a flashy white wedding ceremony in London after being engaged since their graduation ceremony from William McKinley High, where Blaine had gotten down on one knee and proposed to Kurt after serenading him in front of everyone. Sure, they had their ups and downs as a couple, and jumped the standard life hurdles, but they did it together and they continued to just live the fairy tale Kurt always believe he was destined for one day. Disney pricesses, eat your fucking heart out.

After finishing high school, despite fleeting plans to go to New York and live the high life, Blaine got offered a scholarship to Oxford University in England to study a double degree of Music and Education. It was his perfect opportunity, and although he had been worried Kurt might not want to leave the country, Kurt supported him 100% and they made the international move together, crossing the ocean to settle in England. Blaine worked his ass off at university, whilst Kurt decided, of all the unusual things people would never peg him for, to do a Business degree. He had higher ambitions that weren't going to stop with college so he picked something he was going to need rather than what he simply had talent in. Of course, he hated every minute and whined the whole way through to anyone who would listen. It was too structured for him, not enough creativity, but he still persisted and graduated, supporting his way financially by starting a wedding planning business.

To cut a long story short, it boomed and Kurt soon found himself with celebrities and high profile Brits wanting his services to plan their society nuptials. He had a natural flair for weddings, probably kicked off by arranging everything for his dad and Carole's wedding when he was 17. He also picked up a sideline of working as a Stylist for clueless socialites who needed to look good to go places, but had all the fashion talent of a smacked frog. He found a niche in the hectic world that was London City, and he now works long hours with both facets of his business, while Blaine happily worked away in his element at an elite private school teaching Music and, ironically, running a Glee Club of his very own. Life was content, but having fallen into a rut of working and wedded bliss where they rarely even actually had a fight (bickering, yes, but no actual fights), five years had flashed past in no time.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: Gay marriage and surrogacy, wedding planner Kurt, parenthood, children


After growing up in the small-minded town of Lima, Ohio and having his talents and dreams stifled at every turn for simply being himself, Kurt Hummel's dreams came true. Many years of dreaming about making it into the spotlight and trapsing the boards of a Broadway stage, everything began to fall into place when he scored a prized position at NYADA, the New York Academy of Dramatic Arts after acing his audition in front of Broadway superstar and NYADA's infamous alum, Carmen Tibideaux. He was awared a place in her inagural class, and Kurt kissed goodbye to Lima and William McKinley High School forever.

He thrived in NYADA and it was like he was born to live in New York City. Repeatedly told he was destined for big things as his talents just became more honed and polished with his NYADA training, just shy of reaching his third year at NYADA, Kurt audition for the leading role in a reprise of The Boy From Oz set to relaunch on Broadway. With a letter of recommendation from Carmen, and his audition of Not The Boy Next Door still fresh in his mind, Kurt owned the audition and scored the role... his first on Broadway after starring in some off-Broadway productions during the course of college.

Now in his third and final year of the production that will end in the summer, Kurt is about to face the next huge step in his life - marrying his high school sweethear, Blaine Anderson. After Kurt graduated from McKinley and went on to New York, Blaine stayed in Ohio to finish his final year of high school. The separation was difficult, and one of the hardest things they ever faced, but they got through it and as Blaine made it towards the end of his high school career, he was accepted into the Bachelor of Music program at Juilliard, majoring in Voice. Kurt was just as thrilled for Blaine as Blaine had been for Kurt on his college acceptance, and they got their first apartment together, a cute little studio in the Upper East Side a short walk from Central Park. And it was in Central Park on Kurt's 21st birthday on a rowboat that Blaine proposed to Kurt just a week after Kurt was offered the part on Broadway.

It's now six years after Kurt made it to New York, and he's about to hit his 25th birthday. His three-year Broadway run is about to end, he graduated NYADA two years prior, he's going to get married in the summer, and his amazing fiance is about to start his Masters of Music at Juilliard whilst working as a Broadway vocal coach. It was a beloved job Blaine scored after graduating the year before. It meant he got to work at the same place as Kurt, and it also led to his decision to futher his musical studies seeing as Juilliard was right there at his fingertips. Kurt is not a Broadway superstar in his own right, and has a bevvy of new leading roles on offer to him, and also a movie role that he's not sure whether he wants to take. To top it all off, they're about to sign the contracts on their first owned apartment amidst plans for a massive New York society wedding. Everything has more than fallen into place for the couple over the years after they both went through much pain and heartache in their teen years, and as far as they're both concerned, they can't wait to start this next chapter of their lives together... successful and legally married in New York City before they hit 30.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: NYADA graduate and Broadway superstar Kurt, gay marriage, successful life


Just when Kurt thought he had his whole future mapped out week-by-week, he started to come to realise that whenever he tried to plan something perfectly, it never worked out anyway. He did continue to harbour his dreams of attending NYADA in New York, and even made he choice to repeat his senior year at McKinley to gain the credit points he needed for it. It was just icing on the cake that it killed two birds with one stone and meant he wouldn't need to be separated from Blaine for a year when he went to college and Blaine finished high school after having repeated his sophomore year back when he first attended Dalton. Even though they were the same age, they still had a school year difference, and neither wanted to be separated from the other.

It was only when they went to Nationals that senior year in Los Angeles did things take a dramatic and unexpected turn. Kurt, dolled up in one of his favourite fashion ensembles, was approached by a model agency representative there and offered a job modeling for a fresh upcoming designer who wanted a specific androgynous look to her models. But Kurt thrived in it, thrived in the fashion industry, and thrived in the clothing he was put in. The agency offered to sign him, and there was no looking back. Blaine applied for some West Coast colleges and ended up getting accepted to UCLA, where Mike Chang was already studying. Blaine soon graduated with a degree in Performing Arts with Honors and while he slogged away in college, Kurt's career boomed and he was soon trapsing international catwalks like Milan, Paris and London, whilst the couple were based firmly in LA.

It's now five years since they graduated McKinley and Kurt is one of the top male supermodels of the world. He can pick and choose his jobs, and some of the best designers on the market demand he wear their labels. If ever there was a perfect mould for Kurt, it was this. He has never looked back. Meanwhile, fresh out of college, Blaine scored a role on a new Grey's Anatomy style medical drama, Hollywood, M.D. as surgeon, Dr Tyler Carter and they are very much one of LA's celebrity IT couples. The only niggle in their relationship is Kurt's outright opposition to getting married. He thinks they're fine as they are and doesn't want a Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston Kardashian style circus bullshit wedding for the media. Blaine wants to get married, always has, but has learnt to bite his tongue on the subject after a few passionate arguments where Kurt refused to budge at all.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: International supermodel Kurt, successful life, celebrities, Hollywood lifestyle, aversion to marriage, committed gay relationship


Glee met New York, but not in a way anyone from Lima, Ohio could ever have anticipated. When Kurt Hummel didn't get accepted into NYADA, something inside him changed just a little bit and it became all-encompassing for him to succeed and show all the people who judged him and never gave him a chance that he didn't need them to make it to the top. He went to New York anyway, leaving the love of his life, Blaine Anderson, behind to finish his final year of high school. The distance worked for a little while, but when Kurt's attention became solely focused on his ambition, cracks started to show and the relationship became strained. Kurt, scorned over his NYADA loss, threw all interest in becoming a performer out the window and fashion design became his new niche... and it turns out it's where his talent lay all along.

Portfolio in hand, Kurt Hummel Designs quickly stormed through the fashion industry, and he had soon established a name for himself as New York's latest upcoming designer and name to be wearing on the red carpet. His head spun in the cutthroat industry, but he thrived on it. But getting caught up in the fame and fortune, Kurt let his relationship with Blaine completely break down, and when Kurt kept forgetting to return Blaine's calls, Blaine had to resort to email to end the beautiful relationship they had shared. Kurt was crushed, his head so far in the clouds, he never even saw it coming. He had taken Blaine for granted, and when Blaine refused to talk to him to try and work things out, having believed rumours Kurt had been cheating on him with some gay socialite hairdresser from London, Kurt's glitzy foundations started to shake underneath him.

He fell into a depression and he ached every single day with Blaine's loss. He couldn't cope, and it was in once again trying to call Blaine on his cell phone after an industry schmoozing party one evening that Kurt stepped out in front of a speeding car at a busy intersection in Manhattan and suffered such extensive injuries, he was almost killed on impact with barely a few life breaths left in him. It all happened so quickly that no one ever really got the full story, but it was a mysterious stranger who had been following Kurt home from the party, sensing the distinct misery in the young man whose talent he had become fascinated with... one Aidan Wright, a Kindred from the Toreador Clan, a Clan known to have a distinct attraction to all things fine and beautiful. Kurt and his talent was the epitome of this, and Aidan couldn't just let the boy die and waste such beauty. He rescued Kurt from scene of the accident, pulling him into a dark alley, and Embraced him against his will.

Kurt Hummel was Kindred, and the world would never be the same again.


KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: Supernatural themed, vampires, darkness, blood, potential mating, turning/Embracing for love, soul mates


What if life really imitated the movies and all it could take was whether you made it through some sliding doors or not that changed your whole life? Can it really just be a matter of a few split seconds or beats of a heart to change everything you're destined to face in the future? What if Glee met Sliding Doors...?

Just a few seconds can really change everything. What if Kurt was just a few seconds later on that spiral staircase of Dalton Academy and missed crossing Blaine Anderson's path that day completely? What if Kurt never saw the Warblers and instead, just went back to McKinley with his tail between his legs and opened an avenue for Noah Puckerman to do a bit of spying on the "Garglers" of his own? What if it was Rachel Berry that Puck slept with and got knocked up, leaving Quinn Fabray as the Head Bitch In Charge of the McKinley halls and Mike Chang remained a passioned-yet-closeted dancer? What if it was Mercedes who fell for a Warbler and got her first kiss at Regionals in junior year instead of Kurt? What if Kurt, without his rock and shining light in a Warbler all of his own, couldn't find his way out of the darkness shrouded in bullying, loneliness and self-loathing?

All could change in just a split second, of sliding doors, or stepping onto a spiral staircase just a moment too late.

Now five years in the wake of graduation from McKinley High, where has everyone been left without their poignant moments and what if now, fate has decided to intervene anyway? With a backdrop of Miami, Florida, where did the sliding doors of life take the Gleeks without those moments that shaped their high school lives?


KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: What-if alternative scenario to canon, hairdresser and future fashion designer Kurt, eating disorder, mild self-harm, relationship building, older virginity and first time sex


The two worlds of Queer as Folk and Glee collide. Blaine Anderson is the biological son of Michael Novotny, who was going to raise him with husband, Ben Bruckner, before Ben passed away from HIV post-QAF canon. Michael remained a single dad and raised Blaine on his own. Blaine's hometown has always been Pittsburgh, which is where he went to public school prior to the Sadie Hawkins bashing. It was after that, Michael decided to send him to Dalton, where Brian and Justin have their two sons. Michael's own sexuality was never a prominent issue once Ben died because he couldn't face the thought of another relationship. He focused solely on raising Blaine, and when Blaine came out mid-teens, Michael panicked that he might end up like Ben with HIV, he tried to stifle Blaine's sexuality thinking it would be safer for him to be "normal", much to the disapproval of his mom, Debbie, and best friend, Brian, and much to the confusion and isolation of Blaine. Blaine has an older brother to his biological mother, Wendy, called Cooper. Wendy was a friend of Ben's in Pittsburgh at the college he taught at.

All verse information regarding the crossover facets can be found HERE.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: Crossover AU where some of the Glee characters are connected to the post-canon Queer as Folk characters.


Kurt comes from a long line of Pure-blood witches and wizards, with the Hummel bloodline being well-known for its purity. Kurt's natural mother was one of the most talented musicians of her time and was a performer on the West End in London, choosing not to keep a magical career so she could do what she did best in the Muggle World. At least, until she was killed fighting in the Battle of Hogwarts when Kurt was nine years old. It has only been recently that Kurt's father, Burt, has healed enough to open his heart up to love again, and fell for Muggle-born witch, Carole Hudson, mother of Kurt's schoolmate, Finn Hudson. He married her in a quaint little ceremony during Kurt's Sixth Year at school, and they couldn't be happier. Burt is one of the UK's top broom makers and owns a thriving business in Diagon Alley in London, but although he loves his son unconditionally, he knows it is very unlikely Kurt will be interested in taking over the family business, as Burt once dreamed.

Kurt is gay, and the epitome of a Gay Bitch. He is never afraid to speak his mind, and his bitchy streak is what landed him in Slytherin, despite both his natural parents having been Gryffindors in their time. He'll have his claws out if he feels the need and is passionately protective of his friends and Housemates. Although very much not honing old Slytherin ideals of blood-lines, he is still loyal to his morals and as materialistic as they come. He has just discovered he made Head Boy for his Seventh Hogwarts year, and couldn't be more smug about it. But he has earned it. He might be the typical HBIC, but he is a hardworker (a trait he got off his father) dedicated to topping his grades and classes, no matter what. He hates to fail.

For the last year, he has been harbouring a secret affair with Gryffindor Muggle-Born, Blaine Anderson, but he insists to himself that it's not love, just fun. Deep down, he is scared to admit his feelings for Blaine and come out with their relationship after they had been fiery rivals for so long. He is also scared that if they make it official, it will blow up in their faces and he'll lose Blaine forever... but he is just too proud to admit that, like everyone else, he has just as many insecurities as the next teenager.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: Crossover verse of Glee with Harry Potter, magical themes, Kurt as a Pureblood strong wizard


"A world-renowned medical, rehabilitation and teaching facility in Columbus, Ohio, headed by Dean of Medicine, Depak Figgens. It is a realm of its own within the walls of this hospital where the worlds of doctors, nurses, hospital professionals and patients collide. It is a mutual love of music linking one particular group of people from all walks of the medical life in this hospital, where we come to discover what piece of the WMGH puzzle they are... and what they mean to each other."

Despite harbouring yearnings to become a performer most of his life, as Kurt neared the end of his school years and in the wake of his father suffering a heart attack, Kurt became determined to follow in his beloved mother's footsteps and become a nurse. Working his way determinedly through college, Kurt soon qualified as a Registered Nurse, and went on to further his career by becoming a Nurse Practitioner with specialties in Surgical and Anesthetics. He worked as a Anesthesiologist at William McKinley General Hospital before transferring for a year to New York City to head the Anesthetics Team in one of the major hospitals there. Now he's back in all his fabulously pink-scrubbed glory, as Head of the Surgical Nursing unit at WMGH, and in a turn completely unexpected to him, has caught the eye of Trauma and Emergency Chief Resident, Dr. Blaine Anderson...

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: AU medical verse where all the characters are connected in a hospital theme rather than a high school, nurse Practitioner and Anesthesiologist Kurt, doctors dating nurses theme, medical ethics, medical detail and scenaios


What if the close-knit Glee family were more than just friends? What if the fate of their parents meant some of the beloved members of New Directions and the Warblers were family? Discovering here how things could have been different if eight of the Gleeks had family connections before Kurt and Finn had to find their feet as stepbrothers. Kurt & Quinn, Puck & Blaine, Nick & Jeff, and Mike & Tina are connected by family ties, so what would have happened differently, and how would things have twisted and changed?

Lucy Quinn Fabray was born to Karen and Joseph Fabray, and whilst her beautiful mother couldn't have been happier with her new baby girl, her biological father was a bastard who was resentful that the baby wasn't a boy. He had been determined to get a son as first born, coming from a rich and snooty background and his parents never approved of the average girl nextdoor type that Karen was. He ended up walking out on her when Quinn was just a month old, and it was Karen's old high school sweetheart, Burt Hummel, that came to the rescue and helped her. They used to be so deeply in love and when he helped her out, the old sparks were discovered again and they soon reunited romantically, complete with a quickie wedding with Burt vowing to do the right thing this time, taking care of her and the baby, even if she wasn't biologically his.

It was only three months after their wedding when Quinn was nearly three months old that Karen discovered she was pregnant again. Apparently the age-old myth that you couldn't get pregnant when breastfeeding was very debunked. And whilst things were already tight, both Karen and Burt couldn't have been more happier to have another baby on the way. Seven months later, and six weeks premature, they welcomed son, Kurt. The family were so close as the children grew up and Quinn and Kurt were inseparable. But when Quinn was ten and Kurt a week shy of his ninth birthday, Karen succumbed to a long battle with breast cancer and died, leaving Burt a single father of the two children. It was a struggle losing their mom, and Burt did the best he could, even if his own grief caused him to struggle and slip in bonding with his children, especially Kurt who needed the father figure. It was during this time that Kurt and Quinn's relationship just strengthened to water-tight. But they got there in the end, and now Burt has met a new love in the mother of Kurt and Quinn's classmate (and Quinn's ex), Finn Hudson.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: AU verse, characters are siblings, Kurt has a sister


At the end of his junior year, Kurt Hummel decided not to go back to McKinley. Instead, he stayed at Dalton with the safety and love of boyfriend Blaine Anderson, and friends like Nick and Jeff, who made him truly feel at home.

What he didn't know was that things at McKinley with the New Directions? Would change quickly, too. There was discontent in the ranks, and while Noah Puckerman began to get into more and more trouble, Mike Chang began to realize that his talents could serve him far better elsewhere. Meanwhile, Finn Hudson was missing his brother and seriously wondering if he could cope in the ranks of a private school, whilst current fellow Dalton Warblers to Blaine, Nick and Jeff, were discovering that new friend and new feelings could turn their comfort zone upside down. Throw into the mix Ms Holly Holliday, who recently scored a permanent teaching position at Dalton, and has caught the eye of the school nurse and brand spanking new sex ed teacher, things are guaranteed a shaking up...

This verse picks up directly after Glee episode 2x20 "Prom Queen" and veers AU to Dalton after that.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: Canon AU, private schools, Kurt never went back to McKinley


After the Gleeks fell apart in the wake of a fiery argument after graduation, some priceless friendships and relationships being lost in the explosion, life was difficult for some and near devastating for others. The group struggled without each other, and the less stubborn ones found their way back to those who truly meant the world to them, whilst others resisted the inevitable for a long, long time. Soon, though, relationships were mended and the Gleeks grew up. Things like getting solos and popularity that used to be so important in their lives because but a distant memory of the past in favour of the special things that came with growing up... love, marriage, family, and children.

Now, over fifteen years since the Gleeks walked away from McKinley High School and Lima, Ohio, they all have families of their own and have forged very different family lives for themselves. But despite the difference, once thing has remained secure since they all managed to reunite and that was their inseparable and priceless friendships that none of them will let slip through their fingers ever again.

This verse very loosely follows the a future era of the plot developed in
backwithbaggage, however a few of the characters are taken from other verses we share. This verse is AU to any other verse and not bearing on anything in the current age or post-canon verses.

KURT'S THEMES FOR THIS VERSE: Long-term marriage, parenthood, teenage children, family


Être Libre is a pan-fandom RPG. Kurt is established in the game, and has been on the island for two years at the time of re-launch in January 2012. His canon point of entry to the island was two years post Season 3 when Kurt has just turned 21 years old and married his first love and high school sweetheart, Blaine Anderson. Kurt was shot in front of a handful of his family and friends as they were leaving their wedding reception, however, and he arrived on the island at the point of his death in new husband's arms with Blaine begging him to hold on for the ambulance to arrive. He is, therefore, stuck on the island for good.

The five items Kurt arrives on the island with are:
- a large photo album with pictures spanning the course of his romance with Blaine
- his dad's old school letterman jacket
- Blaine's pocket watch
- his entire wardrobe with accessories
- his mother's violin

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crosspost from justbeingaqueen @ dreamwidth.org
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