Aug 16, 2025 15:11
Why (And How) She's Here
The mysterious alien life forms that control Taxon, importing and disposing of fictional characters as their whims dictate, recently tried their hands (presuming they HAVE hands) at Gossip Girl, and attempted to program in the elusive GG herself. Unfortunately, due to a lack of data (the fact that GG's identity is never revealed in the show) she has been programmed non-corporeally in the form of a data corruption- a virus if you like- directly into the tablets communications system of Taxon. She is, essentially, a sentient electronic spy who will be taking advantage of any interesting leaks she can tap into, over the tablets. The aliens are hoping to one day fully restore and reprogram her, once more data becomes available. It's like Limewire-- needs moar sources to complete the download.
How She Works
Spotted: Regulars and Special Guest Stars
Gossip Girl has a core of people she features regularly. In my permission post, there will be a question asking 'do you want to be a regular?'. If you would like any (or all) of your characters to be featured on GG more often than not, answer in the affirmative.
(Note: anyone can be a regular, at any time. This isn't something I pick; it's something you volunteer for.)
(Note the second: GG does not make shit up; all her gossip comes from tips. So for the foreseeable future, all gossip will either come from her direct link to all the tablets in Taxon or her 'inbox'-- these are both her tip post, but unless specified, all sources are assumed to be her sticky little non-corporeal fingers when it comes to secrets. And even if they do come from citizen supplied tips, who would know?-- so if you don't feel up to sending in tips, or don't think you'll have enough drama to report, I wouldn't suggest the regulars option.)
If you don't want to be a regular, but do want to make occasional use of GG, don't worry! Gossip Girl is still here to be your literal dues ex machina. If you want to advance a plot or stir shit up or simply want to be featured, drop a line when it happens, and you'll see your gossip up on the next blast.
And if you don't want to be featured at all, even in conjunction with other people? That's fine too, just make sure I know. Gossip Girl is for two purposes: the lulz, and to help advance plots and create stuff to do, and as such is entirely optional. If you're not interested, don't worry. That's 100% cool.
As for the gossip itself. I'll be stalking comm posts of her regulars for any juicy details, but if you want something specific revealed, the tip post is where to go. You can give or withhold blanket permission; don't care what GG says? Tell me to go at it, it'll only make my job easier. (And, of course, even if blanket permission is given, if an item goes up you don't feel comfortable with? Let me know and I'll take it down right away, and the gossip will be stricken from the record.)
If at any time you want to change your status, go for it! Regular to special guest and back again, blanket on or off. Whatever best fits your needs at the moment.
Gossip Girl and You: Commenting
Gossip Girl will be commenting back on her own comm posts, to troll and snark and wheedle and taunt. She will not be commenting out, for two reasons: first, because I would get way too confused, and second, because it adds to her mystique. No one can trace her and no one knows who she is: feel free to accuse your neighbor and cast the first stone. She'll just love that.
Hey, This Is Slightly Confusing: Names on GG
Gossip Girl likes her nicknames. Sometimes she might call people by their own names, but more likely you'll get a letter or a call sign, of sorts. To keep confusion down, I'll add a link to the journal of the player I mean on their item. These links are not IC; they're for player help only. Part of the fun is keeping you all guessing, and seeing if the guilty (or falsely accused) will out themselves.
Won't Someone Rid Me of This Meddlesome Bitch: Tracking Down GG
As Gossip Girl is a part of the tablets-- a malfunction or long running glitch, if you will-- anyone hoping to find her and reveal her identity is SOL. No tangible source = nothing to find. But since she's never one to disappoint her adoring public or give up a chance to fuck with people, her signal now can be traced by anyone talented enough to hack her blasts srs bzns style. (Amateurs need not apply here. This requires a serious amount of skill, for better results when the fail happens.) But wait! Unfortunately, any attempts to track her down will only lead to a new random, empty location. She hopes you like wild goose chases.
!got some 'splaining to do,
don't want no paper gangster,