7 Interests Meme

Jun 03, 2008 15:51

So I’m trying to decide whether or not it’s a good idea to change my work schedule from 6-2:30 for the summer. Getting up at 4am and being dead tired at 9pm sucks. But its so freaking hot ,I’d rather sit in traffic while its cooler. I also want to start going to the gym again and I hate going after 4 that’s when it starts getting packed. Not to mention the workday seems to go faster. Well most of the time. I don’t know………..

Anyway. Here’s a meme.

Comment on this post and I will choose seven interests from your profile. You will then explain what they mean and why you are interested in them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so that others can play along

jbangelo picked these for me:
Buffy the Vampire Slayer


A book/series, by Stephenie Meyer, whose pages are laced with nicotine, or Pringles, or some equally addictive substance. Girl falls in love with dazzling/sparkly vampire, angst and danger ensue. Sweet, hot, boy -next -door type werewolf saves the day (well maybe. Hopefully…). I first heard of this series during my 3 week stint in hell (aka. Barnes & Noble).  I worked with what I can only describe as a “Twi-hard” (she was insane. And not the fun kind. . She was totally die-hard about it) and quite frankly she scared me. So I didn’t really pay mind to these books.  Anyway, a few months later a few of the ladies my mom works with got into them. She figured they might be something I like, because since I liked Buffy and Angel, of course I automatically will enjoy anything vampire related. Right? Well no. But she ended up buy them for me and that was it….they infiltrated my life.


Girl and Werelwof Boy from above series. I love these kids too much. They own my soul. They’re the reason I finally sucked it up, got an LJ, and jumped into the crazy Twilight fandom. I love how real they’re relationship is and how we got to see it grow. They’re best friends, soulmates.  They laugh, fight, and talk. They’ve seen each other at their worst and still love each other. He’s “the air, the sun” to Bella. I love how he brings out the best in Bella. Bella is difficult to like most of the time but with Jacob she’s strong, stands up for herself. Sure, I know the end game is Edward/Bella and I will die from the heartbreak of it all. But until SMeyer rubs it in my face in Breaking Dawn I’d I still like to hope a little.


This is something that I do waayy to much. I have a lot of time to daydream at work since a monkey could my job. It helps pass the time. I think because my real life can be so boring  they  get detailed & elaborate  and I just kind of get lost. I forget my surroundings completely  and have to snap myself out of  it. Current subject of daydreams lately: upcoming trip to Chicago and whether there will be any cute single groomsmen.


A movie. A musical. Definitely one of the top 5 most watched movies of my childhood. When I was 5 I was convinced I was going to grow up to be Sandy and marry Danny Zuko. I remember being seriously peeved that I wasn’t blonde or didn’t have an  Austrailian.. I still want that flying car.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

A tv show. If Grease was a top 5 movie of my childhood. Roswell and Buffy were top 5 shows of my teens. It was the first series I that I followed regularly and actually cared about the characters. It was also the first show I watched “on my own.” Meaning no one in my family knew or cared what it was. Buffy’s quips and ability to kick ass kept me coming back. Later, I got my brother into it and we loyally watched till the end.


A tv show. A show that ended too soon. When I was in high school I COULD NOT believe that no one I knew watched this show. It had everything love, lust, action, anst, and not to mention brilliant characters. It could be campy and stupid but it could also  be amazing and heart wrenching.  I loved and was invested in every single character on that show. Not many shows have that . Most of the time I like one or two characters and hate everyone else. Oh Roswell….


A couple from Roswell. I fell in love with them right from the start. The actors had great chemistry and made me believe that these two characters were meant to be together. I always wanted a Max Evans. I cried so hard at the end of the world ep. Everytime, I hear “I shall believe”  I always think of them.

work, meme, roswell, twilight

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