Jun 13, 2005 23:49
Ok so today at work I was with Krsytal and this little boy bought like 300 water balloons and all of a sudden I was like I WANT TO HAVE A WATER BALLOON FIGHT. and thats how is all started. so all day me and Krsytal have been making plans and setting stuff up for tomorrow. and now is like a party. haha its awsome. i hope everyone goes. i have food and balloons and soda. and its going to be great. i tried to invited everyone i could think of. and after the party around 7 or 8 I am going to go to this bowling party for my job with marissa. I am so excited. i love love love her so much. I am kinda pissed i wish i had money but i spent it all already so i need to not use my credit card untill i cash my check which is going to be hard. cuz i spend too much money. oh well. i have to go to bed early today. cuz i am getting up at 7 or 8 and getting ready then calling krsytal and bridgette and going to brid's house. tanning. and then getting ready for the party. then picking up anyone who needs a ride and then WATER BALLOON FIGHT. and then eating. and then maybe dancing to some tunes. and then maybe swimming in my pool. and then going home changing. getting ready for the bowling party. hanging out with marissa. and then finally coming home and going to bed. and waking up early to go to work. geez.