This was my second BEA, which meant that I wisely knew to come prepared. I had a spreadsheet to keep my schedule organized, a giant rolling suitcase to lug my prizes, and plenty of packed snacks so I could I avoid the pricey selection at Javits.
The best part about attending this year was definitely the fact that I knew people. I recognized faces, and they recognized me! And we could chat about books while being surrounded by crowds that adored them. I ran into a number of individuals from past, former-as-I-write-this-post, and current (future at the time) internships. And on the last day, I forced baked goods on many of them. Clearly, sugar is the answer to sore feet. Additionally, I bonded with strangers as we braved never-ending lines. Especially the Chuck Palahniuk line. That was definitely the longest line I waited in. Even longer than the one for Crossed.
Things seemed more settled this year. Yes, the lines were still insane, but they came across as...calmer. People were generally polite and friendly. I endured being the second to last person to not get a book twice, but to be honest, I really didn't mind. I got to chat with the authors and take their pictures. Not managing to get an ARC or a galley is far from the end of the world. After all, the proper book will be out sooner or later!
All right, yes. It probably helps that I returned from the battle with many of the books I really wanted. It's about prioritizing! I couldn't wait to see what happens to Bryn, Chase, Devon, and Lake from Raised by Wolves. I HAD to get the sequel. Obviously. And then, there was Darker Still, which I had gotten to read the first seventy pages at Sourcebooks when they were debating titles. Have you any idea what type of torture that is? I WILL AT LAST KNOW HOW IT ENDS. I dashed and calculated and timed in order to earn my prizes.
These are picture books, comics, and gifts! Some fit into multiple categories. Except for that Doctor Who book. None may have that but myself! Proof that staring adoringly at it and geeking out with the nice man from
Diamond who was manning the
Dark Horse booth totally pays off.
Tom inspected the goods. Later on, he and Indi claimed the tote bags as ideal nap locations.
Can you tell that I really, really, really like YA?
(Not pictured: Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi, which I accidentally left on the living room table when I started reading it.)
Goals for BEA 2012:
1) Attend.
2) Make it to more panels
3) Have a name tag that has my own name on it. Jeff is a fine name and all. But I am not Jeff. And there were several awkward turtle moments whenever someone glanced at tag and had a WAITWHAT moment.
4) Locate one of the following in order to enable myself to be in multiple places at the same time: a) a DeLorean (Flux Capacitor is not optional), b) a TARDIS, or c) a Time-Turner.