Jul 28, 2010 23:30
Wednesday 28th July 2010
Need to have a shower - feel dirtyyyyyyyyy!
Aaaah J minty fresh breath, soapified perfumed skin - fressssssh.
Got my acceptance letter to Brentside today - well conditional offer. . .waiting for my results K. They come on 24th August 2010 - day after my braces are tightened! DREADFUL! HORROR! TERROR! AHHHH! My cousin went on holiday today - Ibiza. LUCKY! Wished her a safe flight and that.
*must write for uncles wedding! URGENT. Reading ‘I heart New York’ at the moment by Lindsey Kelk - not a bad book, quite like it so far & hopefully one day I’ll be able to say ‘I heart New York’ =). Kids. Are. Driving. Me. CRAAAAAAAAAZY! OhEmGEEEEZUS! Lord. Please - what did I ever do to deserve this kind of torture?!
with love
Saint; xo