( ・3・) 004. The end.

Nov 25, 2008 13:50

Well, what do you think, Tsuna? How do you find your second floor?

Gola and I have finished all the repairs in the Sawada household. He now has a great second floor with an office and a view. Since he's in publishing, I even gave him a library for his books. Neat.

I think the hardest part for Gola and myself is the trapdoor for the personal bedspace and maybe reinforcing the second floor with titanium to withstand launches. You never know when a gundam might fly down. You can't have your second floor melting.

My tutorials with Mr. Hibari are doing great. ちょっと難しいけど、仕事のためにがんばります。( ̄ー ̄)bグッ! (Trans. It's a little hard, but for my job I have to do my best!)

Shou-han, thanks for the weekend. I really had fun.

version 1

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