May 31, 2004 14:02
Well the day started off good..i went to work and got off about 6:30! it was sweet then i had my friends Eric and Matt come over and watch the Pistons game..BUT the best part was...LISA was over! they won! woohoo! Matt is a crazy kid..he was running after my dog! That was funny we were dying! After they left i talk to Eric on the phone and my neighbors came over looking for my dad! NOT A GOOD THING! LET ME TELL YOU!! well after all that and it was like 11:15. My other friends Ryan and annonymos friend came over. So we all chilled for a while. And watched Ryan's sweet lights on his car..I told him that he told dip me in gold and put me on the fornt of his car..but he said he would mount me on it! woohOo!! (cough cough lisa is a freak!) after all that i got into trouble b/c we left my house at 230 in the morning and went and chilled with them! DAMN...WELL WE HAD A FUN NIGHT!!
"put your clothes back on" wait maybe not! Fun time cant wait to do it again!!
Quotes of the night...
"we still got it"
"i forgot my phone"
"You could mount me on it"
"This is my set the mood music"
"douche bag"
"get your ass home"
"brush your shoulders off"