Dragon*Con 2010

Sep 22, 2010 22:12

I know, I'm about three weeks too late with this, but I've been busy since I got back from Atlanta.

This year I once again made the trek to Atlanta to go to Dragon*Con over Labor Day weekend. It wasn't quite the onslaught to the senses that it was last year, but I think that's because this year I pretty much knew what to expect - geeky awesomeness.

D*C is all about seeing stars from some of your favorite shows, communing with fellow fans, gawking at the incredible costumes and in general just having a really good time with your friends - old and new. Once again there was a large contingent of people from the moose crew: buckeye94, utkari02, lurkrealclose, buckbeakbabie, ginny4harry, new moose pipsytip, as well as moose friends ctofine, Jimmy, their friend Tonya, plynn78, and Carlos. We missed our other moose and moose friends who could not afford to come to D*C and are working on getting them to come next year :)

Going to D*C is almost as much about hanging with your friends as it is going to panels (line parties anyone?), but I did go to plenty of panels. I was less focused on BSG than I was last year, when that was the show that catapulted me into fandom, found me new friends and created the impetus for attending D*C in the first place. This year I branched out from BSG and my Whedon loves to include panels from Star Trek: The Next Generation, Quantum Leap, Jim Butcher (author of the Dresden File series), Legend of the Seeker, and Adam Savage. I also went to one BSG panel, a Firefly panel and the Buffy and Dr. Horrible Sing Along Shows.

I had one first this year when I missed a Firefly panel I desperately wanted to get into - the line for the panel with all four cast members (Summer Glau - River, Sean Maher - Simon, Jewel Staite - Kaylee, and Morena Baccarin- Inara) was so long that they cut it off before everyone could even get in line. Some enterprising people who got in taped it and I was able to watch it online and it looks like I really missed out. I'd been in another panel right before the Firefly one so couldn't line up early. I really like TNG, but I watched it ages ago, so going to the panel was more of a nostalgia thing for me; TNG was the first sci fi show that I was a big fan of. I don't think I've seen much of the show since it was originally on the air though. So if I had it to do over again, I'd line up for Firefly and watch TNG panel online. But having to make tough panel decisions is the mark of a good con. And thanks to my friends I did make it into the Firefly panel the next day with Summer and Sean.

In my 'downtime' between line parties and panels I made sure to hightail it to the Dealer Rooms, where I scored some pins, a tee shirt and some jewelry. I dawdled and decided to hit the Walk of Fame Monday morning before I left just in case anyone was still around. I didn't have much hope of there still being anyone there, but I got my picture taken with Mark Shephard (BSG, Firefly, Dollhouse) and got an autograph from Jewel Staite (Firefly), which were the two things that I'd been wanting to do. Actor access FTW!

I do have lots of pics and plan on posting some of those somewhere soon. In the meantime, Flickr and other sites have plenty to keep you tided over.

All in all, a very fun weekend and I'm already counting the days and plotting for D*C 2011.

fandom, d*c

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