((Because Bass is a dildo robot, and as such is no slouch with computers. At least, unless it comes to his own locks, but he's kinda inept about his own stuff ANYWAY xDD ))
i was in my house, he came to see me after his latest heist because he was worried abouu...SHSGSSJ!NO OF COURSE NOT! AND I DON'T KNOW IF HE'S A GOOD KISSER, I DON'T CARE.
Comments 19
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I didn't mean that to happen, I swear.
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I still don't know why he....the night of the heist. He wanted to be sure if I was fine.
((Because Bass is a dildo robot, and as such is no slouch with computers. At least, unless it comes to his own locks, but he's kinda inept about his own stuff ANYWAY xDD ))
(OOC: lol XD loookie, my favorite dildo robot! Aoko it's really bad at computers, really ^^)
I might have misunderstood, but did you say Kid kissed you?!
What happened? Where were you? Did he do anything else? Was he a good kisser?
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