[ 008 ♟ post port madness ]

Nov 22, 2011 13:36

I'm- glad to see this is back to normal.

I guess it shows the extent to which we shouldn't take this whole life-after-death... deal... for granted. What a trip.

[Private to Jesse - Video]

What have you been up to? Looking after... him, I assume.

tough guy jesse, death is just a phase after life, see locke mourn

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[Private] yeahscience November 22 2011, 16:12:03 UTC
What am I, a babysitter?

I was just helping him out some. Guy's had a hard week.


[Private] justareverie November 22 2011, 23:07:55 UTC
I'm not saying you are. Or that he needs one, for that matter.


[Private] yeahscience November 22 2011, 23:18:10 UTC
Yeah, no kidding. He's almost as old as you, so.


[Private] justareverie November 23 2011, 00:01:30 UTC
Really. I could swear he was older.

Still. How are you?


[Private] yeahscience November 23 2011, 00:11:09 UTC
Aren't you like 60?

Not high. That's what you're asking me, right, John?


Re: [Private] justareverie November 23 2011, 00:27:24 UTC
For- I didn't even turn fifty, kid.

[ For the slightest second he narrows his eyes in doubt, as though he isn't sure. He should actually be 51- but three of those years he never lived, just skipped in time, so technically he's still 48. He had actualy wondered a bit about this on the Barge before, without verbalizing it. But Johns's digressing, and he runs a hand from the forehead down his face. ]

No, Jesse. I trust you're not high. I meant about- about him, and the port. Since the last time we talked.


Re: [Private] yeahscience November 23 2011, 00:36:12 UTC
Really? Must be the bald thing.

I'm fine, man, whatever. Did you find... whatever the Admiral said we were supposed to be looking for?


[Private] justareverie November 23 2011, 20:09:05 UTC
[ He could swear Mr White was bald too, but he digresses. ]

I'm not sure what a bag of crackers had to do with repairing the barge, but it wouldn't hurt me either to know what you were up to instead.


[Private] yeahscience November 23 2011, 23:57:43 UTC
I wasn't up to anything. I hung around, kept an eye on Mr. White. Had a couple beers with my boy. That was pretty much it.

It was a boring-ass port, yo, I don't know what everyone's so pissed about.


[Private] justareverie November 27 2011, 02:56:57 UTC
[ He tilts his head, an ambiguous look in his face. He wishes Jesse would trust him more, but knows he won't if he never treats him like an adult. ]

Figures... it wasn't a port like the other ones. Tough thing, having life taken from you. Makes people angry.


[Private] yeahscience November 27 2011, 03:06:58 UTC
Yeah? I'm dead. I'm not angry. [Well, not about the being dead part, anyway.]

Maybe the Wardens're just pissed they finally got a taste of their own medicine.


[Private] justareverie November 27 2011, 03:13:29 UTC
[ He briefly considers. ]

Our own medicine?


[Private] yeahscience November 27 2011, 03:14:26 UTC
[A begrudging amendment:] Not... you, I guess. The ones who're still alive.


[Private] justareverie November 29 2011, 23:22:48 UTC
[ A pause. ] Well, surely they must've done something right.


[Private] yeahscience November 30 2011, 03:44:33 UTC
Why, just 'cause they didn't die? I don't think so. I mean--

[He opens his mouth to say something, but then stops, seeming to reconsider.] Forget it.


[Private] justareverie December 1 2011, 22:49:35 UTC
[ Tilts his head, eyebrow cocked with naive curiousity. ] What?


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