
Sep 06, 2011 13:14

▼ Acceptance
♢ Friendship
☀ Respect
✦ Trust
✖ Animosity

Striked-out muses are no longer active. Credit to rp_tutorials at InsaneJournal for the layout.

☀ ▼ ♢ ✦
A R K A D Y | Freakangels | can_has_vodka
Arkady was the first person John saw face-to-face in the Barge, and they got on quickly, bonding over tea and a shared sense of spiritualism. In her own words, it's like "they've met in another life". During the truth flood, they had drinks together and philosophized, so he knows she's had it rough too, and she probably knows as much. He regards her as a calming and soothing presence.

They've only let on tidbits of each other's past: he thinks her wish is noble, and is curious about her exact nature and what happened in her world.

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J E S S E | Breaking Bad | yeahscience
Although at first Jesse resented and frustrated him, reminding John of his failures in life, they've come to discover they have some hurtful experiences in common. Now, they tolerate each other. Also, Jesse is now his inmate, and he has his suspicious that the younger man may be hiding something. However, John takes his wardening as SRS BIZ and will try a soft but steady approach after reading Jesse's file.

John has even trusted him with little details from his past, such as dying betrayed by a good friend, and that the woman he loved is dead. He's secretely relieved that he was assigned to someone he knows and who, in his opinion, has a potential.

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C L A I R E | Heroes | some_kinda_hero
Claire is the gym supervisor, which renders her John's boss. He respects her, and she's a warden he logically knows he can trust, but for some reason he hasn't brought himself to open up yet, leaving his past ambiguous when questioned about it. Concretely, he lied by omission about being in the military. He'll probably seek her help in a future.

▼ ♢
F R E D D Y | Reservoir Dogs | frickinbaretta
John thinks of him as a more than decent guy, after chattering away about their lives during the truth flood and some warden-inmate confusion. He relates to Freddy on a perceived failure level. Ironically, although they haven't talked that much, Freddy is probably one of the people who he's told more about his pre-Barge life and the parts he's more reluctant to mention, including how he sort of wandered aimlessly looking for his purpose before he was killed.

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M A R T H A | Doctor Who | thegooddrjones
A very positive presence forJohn, she remembers working alongside the gone Jack Shepard, and being friends with Libby. He had a laugh over that remembering some good times, since his animosity towards the first is a thing of the past. That notwithstanding, John sees her in a very good light, and they always have some kind of practical conversation after strange happenings on the Barge, with her being always energic and also ready to help, which John appreciates. She's provided him both with good advice, and some useful tools.

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C H R O M I E | World of Warcraft | strangehstorian
Chromie was very helpful information-wise to John after his first few days on the Barge, and also during the first flood he went through, and as such he's grateful, and vaguely amazed at her and the sheer disparity of the worlds they come from.

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N A O T O | Persona 4 | nicebluehat
After the few conversations they've had, John respects her as one of the few people genuinely interested in figuring this place out, and not just trying to push forward a routine.

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N A R V I N | Doctor Who | timesbureaucrat
Jesse's boss at the lab, John's inmate tried to avoid all contact between the two at first, going as far as to impersonate Locke when Narvin wanted to talk to him. After John found out Jesse was still using, he first tried to avoid talking to Narvin, but felt guilty about it, and ultimately informed him about Jesse's misbehaviour, but advocated for the inmate to keep his job. John respects the lab's scientific function and regards Narvin as someone worthy of his respect, and if slightly weird in his mannerisms, John is definitely grateful about the decision he made.

▼ ☀ ✦
S T I L D Y N E | Jurisdiction | der_umgekehrte
Stildyne came into the Barge at the same time as Locke, and at first they bonded through a mutual sense of "WTF"ery at the truth flood, with Locke rather intrigued by him and his world. Later on, with Locke having a drunk "I hate my life" sort of night after the November endgame and Jesse's breakdown, he and Stildyne met at the pub and had a light chatter which delved into existential talk.

Actually, the Chief of security is one of the people John has trusted the most yet. He's told him about the island, however indirectly, and about his belief in miracles and the Barge as a second chance to go back to somewhere he lost.

C A S S I E | Animorphs | lovefornature
At such a young age, Cassie has surprised John with her level-headedness. From a shared love for nature, the subject sprung up about the place where John comes from and even though he couldn't bring himself to tell her much, he quickly noticed she's very intelligent and sensitive. From then, she has always been a soothing presence, albeit her sheer perceptiveness makes him a little uncomfortable.

H A N N I B A L | Hannibal series | cannibalmind

G A I U S | Battlestar Galactica | to_be_caprican

!ooc, !cr

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