Where am I going with this?

Oct 30, 2006 19:29

I went through the day with a monster headache, very fitting of Halloween week. It made me scary and tired. Work was the suck. I was the pained. It focused itself behind my left eye and wrapped up around my left ear. Every time I blinked, I saw it. So I got out of work, several hours later then I should have, went to the supermarket with three things on my mind. Salad, Milk, Headache relieve. I tooled around in the supermarket and got to Salad, Milk and .... blank. What was that third thing? Can it be important? Sigh... crap.

So It was a long day, I'm better now.

I believe I'm not the only one who got screwed up on daylight savings weekend. I don't believe it is the time it really is yet. I still think one of my clocks is not in the right time zone. I haven't figured out which one it is. I keep staring back from my watch, my alarm, my watch, my alarm. On second thought, they both say the same time. I might be going blind.

In brighter news, I was an Egg for Halloween and the floor is not nearly as sticky as I thought. We had a rocking good time in all our costumes, I love Halloween. We should have it ever year!

I also totally blanked that it be Monday and I all settled down to see Ray in the early evening. But it is Monday and Monday means bowling. I should have used my time wisely and done laundry or started to sleep but now it's too late for productivity and I should focus on survival. Battle star Galactica it is!
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