To krystyle

May 23, 2005 20:54

I met you once in a clear day.
I knew you only as an associate.
I always thought you were as beautiful as it gets.
I never knew how beautiful it got.
then you spoke to me once.
You spoke of your art and your experiances,
you told me of the green trees back home.
Compared to the scortched earth i grew up in 21 years of my life.
i sit here in contemplation of everyone i've ever met.
every girl that ever spoke.
every thought that was ever concieved because of events or occurances.
Nobody was ever more kind.
More open ranged.
More spiritually artistic,
and more respectful
in that token
than you.
I would give you roses but pigment and scent mean nothing compared to the principle behind the gift.
in fact i think that they would betray your portrait symbolic wise.
I know,
that i have no place in your eyes as something more than platonic.
and i have no trouble with that,
though i still stand in the fact that you are the most worthy girl of my love than any that i've known.
So i wonder now as time fades and my dying shell deminishes.
Will i ever see eyes that look back as yours did when they gazed away.
although it does not matter
For i met you once, and i thank you for smiling.
because i am merely a pawn trying to kill the king,
In the end i may make it to the other side of the boards.
And i will be rich and succesful and smart, and sensitive still.
but for now i am only a pawn shadowed in mystery.
taken apart from abstract immensity.
Fate has no organization as does niether my creative mind.
So if i wave today, fear not a random out of nowhere smile tommorow.
And if however that day never comes.
my heart holds a piece of memory deep whithin its insides,
and my soul will weep silently forever there.
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