
Jul 23, 2011 10:10

I'm trying to make some sort of sense to what happened in my country yesterday, but there is none. I went to bed last night knowing that a bomb had killed 7 in Oslo, and a gunman killed at least 10 on Utøya. I knew the numbers would rise, but to wake up to see "over 80 killed" was another shock. Over 80 kids. Our future leaders. And the bastard ( Read more... )

the day it all changed, rip

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nemesisofamor July 23 2011, 11:07:36 UTC
I just heard - so horrible!

But I'm still confused - do they have a suspect, or have they found the guy? And why is everyone saying he's Muslim, I thought it was this guy: http://abpworld.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/terror2.jpg?w=180&h=220
Do people just wanna make me hate Muslims more, is he converted or does he have some other crazy motive for killing people? He looks very... you know I don't wanna say it, but as a German my first thoughts with guys like this are usually that of a deluded white supremacy "aryan" asshole who thinks it's patriotic to live for a horrible past. (I think I'm a little prejudiced here)

But anyway, I hope you and your family are ok! The pictures look very gruesome. And I'm embarrassed to say I was relieved that guy didn't fly an airplane into something or blew up half a city, because it's really come so far that we sort this horror into categories of "how many people died" and then think of all the other terrorists... it's sad.

I'm glad to hear your government being so reasonable about it though. I'm so sick of America bombing every other country and taking terrorists as an excuse to limit all civil liberties! This just shows (again) why your country is a lot smarter and has real democracy!


justams July 23 2011, 11:18:01 UTC
They've arrested and charged one person. And reports now is that another person has been arrested at the place where the families and survivors are gathered. Witnesses say there were two shooters, but it's unknown if this second arrest is this person or not.
White supremacist is pretty close. He's been active at an anti-islam forum, and apparently describes himself as a nationalist. Our government has often been criticised for being immigrant-friendly, and it's the main party in government that has been attacked. Some bizarre logic this person has, probably thinks he's riding the country of muslim-friendly future politicians. Barbaric.

Everyone I know is okay, as far as I know. I'm still worried that there are people I haven't thought about that could have been there without me realising, but for now everyone is okay. We're all pretty shaken though, and there's been a lot of crying here today.

Our prime minister has been great. He's saying the things we need to hear right now, trying to calm people down and encourage us to not let this change our free society.


nemesisofamor July 23 2011, 13:28:41 UTC
It's horrifying that a lot of the stuff I read about this still pushes into "this was a muslim terror attack" when it was the opposite. It's like this horrible person is getting their wish: Making people hate Muslims harder, making them fear Muslims more. And people who hate and fear don't listen to logic or evidence, so they will keep believing lies like evolution is a myth, gay is a choice (and also wrong and evil), Muslims are to be feared and all that shit. When really this shows that terrorism isn't a Muslim phenomenon, it's a human phenomenon.

Was it directly against Muslims/immigrants during the shooting? Do you know anything about that?

And btw, I didn't know your country was critizised for being too immigrant friendly, but over here in Germany we actually look up to Sweden and Norway for all things social and educational!


justams July 23 2011, 13:46:09 UTC
I've been very grateful for and impressed with Norwegian media for speculating as little as possible through the whole thing. From the beginning they made sure to point out that everything was speculation, we didn't know if this had anything to do with Al Qaida like so many people were talking about. Reports from international media seem to be a whole other story though.

No, the kids at the camp were mainly ethnically Norwegian, and pretty much completely Norwegian citizens as far as I know, though of course there were people from other backgrounds there as well. But from the sounds of it there was no targeting of anyone in particular, just shooting at whoever he could see.


nemesisofamor July 24 2011, 22:29:39 UTC
I now read up on that guy and I'm shocked and appalled. And the people he admired ... he was appalled by women being sexually active and having too many powerful jobs and Muslims being a "threat" (consider the irony) and he was into that English super racist group who would be considered Neonazis would they live where I came from! Horrible, how racists, bigots and nationalists are destroying society and people still look up to them for "family values" (meaning: they're not gay or they suppress it very well) and "our nation's values" (meaning they're white Christians, or think they are. Usually they're anti-social assholes).

But we always jump to Al Qaida first, because that is what the right wing politicians, and the Tea Party, and the Neonazis and all other white supremacy nationalist groups want us to believe. (And, lets face it, because they've brought Muslim and Terrorist so close together that even I forget about the RAF sometimes) I only didn't think it was a Muslim attack because I saw it was a shooting first, then checked up on it and heard about the bomb. I thought it was 8-12 victims at first!

If you think about it, all terrorists are really conservative, nationalist human beings who are either deluded because of what they think is religion or "white supremacy". They all hate modern times, equality, gays, communism, women in power, loose morals (though that depends on your definition of morals) and so on. Which is really frightening - those are the people who have representatives in congress in all of our countries - not Muslims, right wing nuts with their marches and their hate and their excuses like "free speech allows me to yell at immigrants, bitch" and so on. It makes me sick!


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