Annoying Usernames

Sep 23, 2008 16:59

I'm beginning to dislike all the usernames I made up back when I liked displaying my religion on the internet.

This one, mainly. (and my AIM, but switching over on that is a little more annoying)

If I could I would change everything to Syrinx, which I started using on Dae Luin about two years ago, and like immensely... but it's a lot more common than I thought it was at the time. (Dang people who know their greek mythology) I have some other cool ones, like LeSPAZ and EngelDerMusik, but it's just not the saaame.

I'm on blogger now (, so I guess I don't really need LJ anymore, but it's nice having a place where I don't really HAVE to be the Good Mormon Girl all the time. That's probably why this username bugs me so much, because I'm not really living up to it here. As different as I am, I don't like the thought of shaming my religion... it doesn't deserve sharing in my bad behavior.


In unrelated news, it's raining here. ^_^  I love rain, and it's REALLY coming down today. It's nice.

username, rain, mormon

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