Surveys. I'm bored.

Sep 13, 2008 20:59

1) Random girl comes up to you and says "Who the hell are you?​"​ what do you say back?​
-- "...Hi?" (A standard Kari reaction)

2) What's the last thing you put in your mouth​?​
-- A pen.

3) What does your last incom​ing text messa​ge say?
"Sunnier today" from Dad in California

4) The last song you listened to?
Something on the Titanic soundtrack. (love than movie)

5) Are you in love?​ Why?
No... yes? It's hard to say. Not like I used to be, anyway.

6) Where is your girlfriend​/​boyfriend right​now?
You tell me, I haven't met them yet.

7) What did you do yesterday?​
Went to work at OUAC, rode the bus for two hours, went to work at OH, went home and watched Friends reruns, and went to bed. Wooo, exciting.

8) Who was the last person that helped you stop crying?​

9) What teacher have you hated​ most and why?
Mrs. Beverly Smith. She's about 90 years old (not really), almost completely senile (really), and couldn't teach algebra for crap.

12) What do you really think happened to Steve on Blues Clues​?​
I don't know but  miss him dearly. He made babysitting bearable. (I thought he was adorable, kay?)

14) Who is your most religious friend?​
Most of my friends are pretty religious. Actually, I can classify my friends into two groups-- the hyper religious, and the completely nonreligious.

15) Who do you trust​ with your life?​

16) If you could​ change your name to anything what would​ it be?
Are you kidding? I love my name... for some reason it really attracts college-boys I meet at work.

17) What would​ you say if someone told you they loved you?
It depends on how I feel about the person in question.

18) What do you hate about your school?​
It's not college.

19) If you married the last person you said i love you to, who would t be?
Dan... weeeeird. I'm sorry dahling, but I just can't imagine being married to you.

21) Would​ you move to anoth​er state​ or count​ry to be with the one you love?​
If I truly loved them, and I was certain they felt the same, yes I would.

22) Have you ever talked on the phone​while in the shower?​
Nope. I've had to get out of the shower to talk on the phone, but I think that's different.

25) Are you afraid of falling in love?​
No. It's the one inevitable phenomenon that I could never be afraid of.

26) Is there someone that popped in your mind after that question?​
Not one person, a few. As I don't find myself to be in love at this moment, I had to remember the people I considered myself to be in love with in the past.

35) What is your middle name?​
Joy. A cruel work of subliminal messaging on my parent's part. Kari (pronounced like Carrie) Joy. Carry Joy. Hahaha. How eternally amusing it is.

36) Honestly, whats on your mind right now?
A lot of things, mostly worry over a certain friend.

48) Ever had plastic surgery?​
No, nor do I plan on it.

49) Who knows​you the best?​
God, probably. Next to him, it's a toss up between Natalie and my sister Emily.

50) Do you wear contact lenses or glasses?​
Glasses. I like them.

51) Have you ever been to Mexic​o?​
Nah... I've never really wanted to.

53) Did you buy something yesterday?​
Nope. I'm too poor to go shopping until payday, and then I need to buy new shoes.

54) Did you get sick today​?​

55) Did you miss anyone today​?​
Yes, several people.

56) Did you get in a fight​with someone today​?​
I rarely do... particularly when my mother is gone.

58) Last person to lay in your bed?

59) Last person to see you cry?
SEE me cry? Uh...

60) Who/​what made you cry?
I'm just lonely.

62) What are your plans for the weekend?​
The weekends almost over. Just church and Sunday dinner with the fam tomorrow.

63) Who do you think​ is going​ to repost this after​you?
No one?

64) Are you happy​ right​ now?
I'm alright.

66) Are you hungry?​
Ha, no.

67) Are you a forgiving person?
Most of the time. Sometimes a little too forgiving, or so I've been told.

68) Would​ you ever share​ a girl/​boyfr​iend with your best frien​d?​
No. That's stupid.

69) Have you lost a friend recently?​
I think so, yeah.

70) Are you talking to someone while doing this?​
No, just waiting for Shane to relply to a text, which he just did. Awesome.

72) What are you about to do right​ now?
Try and get Shane to come to a concert with me next weekend. =)

73) What was the most recent gift you've gotte​n?​
A cool set of Edgar Allan Poe stories on tape from my brother.

74) What concert are you planning to see next?​
The Style Biters! (If I can get Shane to go.)

Last night you felt?
-- Worn out.

Who are all the people you have text messages from in your phone?
-- Stacy, Jake Davis, Dad, and Shane.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
-- Mom.

What if your ex showed up at the door?
-- I would think he was crazy, hit him, and shut the door again.

If your being extremely quiet, what's it mean?
-- I'm usually pretty quiet, so I could answer this in any number of ways.

How are you feeling right now?
-- Pretty lonely and very stressed out.

Last time you laughed?
-- Eh...?

If you could seek revenge on someone would you?
-- No. What good would it do?

What's the last thing someone said to you?
-- "Details! I need details!"

What's the last thing you said?
-- "Hopkins, The Style Biters, Friday. Happy?"

Last nap?
-- For too long ago.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
-- like a full nine at least. I was crazy-tired.

What are you doing on Saturday?
-- Next week? Who knows.

Excited about anything?
-- Meh, that remains to be seen.

What was the first thing you heard this morning?
-- My sister's annoying music.

Did you make a new friend within the last 24 hours?
-- Not today

Is there someone you'd like to fix things with?
-- No?

What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
-- talking to my brother last night.

Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
-- Natalie or Emily

If you could push one person off a mountain, who would it be?
-- I wouldn't. How rude.

Has anyone disappointed you recently?
-- No.

Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
-- I wish I could.

Are you a morning person or a night?
-- Night.

Are you there for your friends?
-- Always.

What's annoying you right now?
-- My computer is being unusually slow.

What's something you really want right now?
-- A concrete future.

Does it take a lot to make you mad?
-- Unfortunatly, no.

Does it take a lot to make you sad?
-- sNo again.

When did you last cry?
-- A bit tonight, talking to Natalie.

Do you want children?
-- Eventually.

If someone likes you would you want them to tell you?
-- Yes

Who do you tell most things?
-- Natalie and Emily

Wearing any jewelry?
-- Nope.

Best summer of your life?
-- The summer after my Junior year.

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
-- Yep.

Did you ever make anyone laugh when they were crying?

What was one thing that made you sad today?
-- Being so far away from my best friend.

What are you listening to?
-- The Music Man soundtrack. ^_^

Who was the last person you had a meaningful convo with?
-- Natalie.

Where were you today?
-- Home, the library, Walgreens.

Anything on your body sore?
-- My neck. I slept on it wrong.

What was your New Year's resolution?
-- I don't think I made one.


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