Jun 17, 2008 13:27
Yep... I'm reading them again. I know most of them back to front, but they're just so incredibly different from fairy tales that come from places that aren't... Germany.
For one thing, while most fairy tales focus on the king's wish to have a son, in Grimm's the more treasured child is usually the daughter. Also, the girls do more of the noble, heroic acts in Grimm's. It's kind of a nice change.
The stories are incredibly... violent. Well, most fairy tales were I guess. (I mean... look at The Little Mermaid, or rather, Le Petit Siren. Bloody, bloody, bloody.) I'm noticing that after anyone gets killed in Grimm's, the victors usually either, A) Dance around the corpse, or B) Eat. I think this must be a German thing. "The tyrant is dead! Everybody Polka! Wo ist die wurst?"
(Seriously, I love the Germans. If I didn't it would be like hating my own blood, kay?)
Another bit of German fun is that most everybody who is given a name is either Heinz or Lena. (Occasionally Heinrich instead of Heinz) Most of the characters don't really have names.
It's also just... really scandalous. Like, Rapunzel having illegitimate twins! Mon dieu!
They're fun though.
fairy tales