Apr 07, 2006 09:28
Getting the shit kicked out of me by love..ok, perhaps not love. I can surely say that this torment is slowly subsiding, but the important part is that it is.
I'm currently on Spring Vacation. It's been pretty nice, mellow. I was "dating" someone for a week and & half. I feel that every where I turn I end up hurting someone. This person doesn't want me talking to that person & that person doesn't want me talking to this person. Don't you see I just got my heart torn in two. I don't have the strength to make another person happy when I'm miserable from a break up. How is it people enter one relationship so soon after the last? It's not for me man. It almost feels as if I don't want this to end, that now the control has to be in my hands & I have to take his energy away to make myself stronger. Minipulate. I'm beginning to discover that the men that make you think they don't give a shit, those are the people that are most insecure & really do.
I'm drinking very strong coffee & vanilla creamer. I done bought myself a coffee maker.
life bleeds through my pores like the colors of his eyes.