
Nov 07, 2009 22:13

Okay, so pretend I'm a guy for a  second. So I've got a dick right. QWhy am I on the same page AS THis supoosed god then ? l;ike fuck, seriously. okay you have a penis. it's just as if not fucking more ugly then a vagina, so why do you think you better then a girl ?
your not.
and you treat your girlfriend like an aquenitice.
and you led me on.
(different people)
your fuckied in the head ayee. like the night was good before you came here and were obviously on drugs.
so i tell you what's going on and how you make your girlfriend and her best friend feel and you act like i'm taking shit. and it's like no. i just speak the words no one else will. our night was mazzing till you came here and you runed it for everyone.
You don't deserve her because you treat her like the dirt that's trapped in the soles of your feet.
It make me so angry. Like if a women doesnt put out and their wasnt prostitution, basically every women in existance would be raped. Becuase youse think your fuckng amazing but we, like so many women have proved, can live and survive without you, and we lead the world in scientific births. so if i were ypuse i would shape up before we got rid of youse and just had a human race of women and fucked youse all off for inventions we've created.
you try act like mazzzing and shit but youse aren't. we are just as good IF NOT BETTER then yousse.
we lead the world in so much more then youse. we are more humane then youse. we understand the world better. youse are fucked and even more fucked when we take over, we will own youse and we will win. the end. good fucking luck, fuck heads.
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