Name/Nickname: Andy
AIM/E-mail/Contact: DominoAK47 /
LJ: Nique
Canon Character and Series: Domino, X-Men
In-Game Name: Domino, 'Dom.' Sometimes uses the alias 'Neena Thurman,' though this is not her legal name.
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Position & Ship (first and second choice for position please): Fiertia, pilot.
Appearance: Dom is slightly taller than average for a woman, with a very athletic build, black hair, and purple eyes. The two most striking things, however, are her chalk-white skin and the black oval surrounding her left eye. So far as clothing goes, her wardrobe tends to consist of comfortable, practical clothes, not exactly what one would consider 'feminine' (though she's not above flashing a little cleavage when it's adventitious). She has nicer clothing, but unless she's going out on the town, it stays in her closet. Likewise, she keeps her hair short for practical reasons and doesn't seem to give a damn about social conventions.
Personality: Domino has an open, easy-going attitude that often borders on sarcastic. For the most part, she's easy to get along with, though her recklessness can annoy those who prefer more thought-out methods of operation. She's fearless in the extreme, owing to her abilities, and highly self-confident. Her morals could be described as 'loose' at best. She can be very loyal when it comes to close friends, but on a professional level, she'll work with most anyone who's willing to give her a paycheck, and you'd have to be a pretty foul person indeed to have her turn down a job. She enjoys socializing, especially in rowdy, off-color company.
She is also, however, an intensely private person, not given to emotional attachments. She doesn't talk much about her past beyond stories from her professional career, and if she does tell you something private, it's likely to be partially or wholly fictitious. She likes to keep herself separate from the world and all of its concerns, though she often breaks her own personal rules for survival. When it comes to personal relations, Domino exhibits an emotional maturity far below that of her actual physical age, behaving more like a teenager than an adult.
Abilities/Weapons: Domino is gifted with what, in layman's terms could be called exceedingly good luck. This luck is actually an unconscious ability that allows her to subtly shift the laws of probability in her favor, allowing her to escape from what might otherwise be extremely dangerous situations without serious injury. These abilities cannot cause situations outside the realm of possibility to occur, instead shifting events so that outcomes that seem highly implausible do, in fact, happen. To outside observers, Domino's powers in action would appear to be a string of unlikely coincidences, or simply as very good fortune on her part. Domino cannot control the power, and, for a variety of reasons, does not actively advertise its existence. The power also augments her reaction time, making her reflexes somewhat faster than the average human's.
In addition to her special abilities, Domino is in excellent physical condition, is a capable hand-to-hand fighter, a good pilot, and an excellent marksman. She is, however, utterly atrocious with a sword.
How well can your character hack?: She's a reasonably good hacker, given a combination of her powers and the fact that her ex-husband has made a career of designing the security algorithms for difference engines, which he taught her the basic ins and outs of before they parted ways. The maximum security she can hack is Medium-Hard Difficulty.
Weaknesses: Dom's biggest weakness is her own recklessness. Because of her abilities, she rarely plans anything, preferring to fly by the seat of her pants, as it were. While this usually works out for her, things can end up disastrous when they don't, and other people often end up in the crossfire. She's also got a temper, and occasionally bucks authority, though she usually knows when it's time to sit down, shut up, and do as she's told. To outsiders, it might appear that she has a distinct death wish... although it's really a matter of a lack of discipline and an inability to see the bigger picture.
History: As a child, Domino rarely stayed in one place long enough to call it 'home.' Her mother, Beatrice, a self-proclaimed 'prophet' with precognitive powers, headed a small cult with a number of followers who traveled throughout Reial preaching their own particular brand of gloom and doom. Domino herself cared very little for her mother's fanaticism and spent time entertaining herself in whatever ways she could. Her feelings on her mother's ministry became a moot point shortly after her ninth birthday when a freak accident left her in a catatonic state. Beatrice, uninterested in caring for an invalid child who had not, it seemed, even inherited her own precognitive abilities, left the girl in the care of a charitable religious order, and promptly disappeared without even telling them the girl's name. Domino remained with the order for the three years, seemingly unaware of the world around her.
At the age of twelve, Domino slowly thawed from her catatonic state, and while she seemed to have suffered no permanent ill effects from the accident that had caused it, she'd lost all memory of her life preceding it, and had to make up for the three year deficit, being, for all intents and purposes, a nine year old in mind if not in body. While the women who ran the institute tried to help her the best they could, Dom became an angry, belligerent adolescent and eventually left to strike out on her own.
Life on her own was not easy, but it turned out that things had a knack for going her way. She started going by 'Domino' lacking any memory of her real name, and fell in with a rough crowd. Before long, she was making her way through all of Reial, learning to fight, drink, and curse and gaining an education in all things seedy. Her good luck earned her money in back-room card games, her attitude and fighting spirit let her pass through life far easier than most girls her age would have, under the circumstances. By the time she was eighteen, she had worked her way to Kropmork, where she hooked up with a mercenary guild and spent the next few years working for the highest bidder. Eventually, she was hired to help guard a temperamental genius by the name of Milo Thurman who was working on encryption codes for the newly invented difference engines. The two hit it off, and when her assignment ended, Domino stayed, choosing to marry Thurman instead of return to her life as a mercenary.
In the end, however, Thurman's work proved too demanding and Domino's heart too fickle. Finding herself unable to live a life tied down in one place, but unwilling to simply walk away, Domino hired a an old acquaintance to help her fake her death, due to her own unwillingness to face the emotional consequences of a more formal separation.
Free from responsibility once again, Domino struck out on her own as a freelance mercenary and pilot-for-hire until opportunity presented itself in the form of the Fiertia and Brave Vesperia.
Third Person (roleplay):
Well, this sucked. Undeniably, flat out *sucked.* It was supposed to be a fairly simple job--get into the building, 'reappropriate' some new airship engine schematics, get out. The place was supposed to be nearly empty. The staccato of gunfire smacking into wood and masonry around her hiding spot, however, argued otherwise.
Things had been going well for her. Gaining access to the building had been fairly simple, and getting into the safe the designs were being stored in even simpler. The trouble had come when she'd slipped back into the hallway and discovered the sleeping guards were no longer sleeping. A headlong sprint down the hall and an evasive dive through the first open door had landed her in her current predicament--hiding behind a rather solidly built desk in a dark room while the two men in uniform took pot-shots at her. The only window would require her to jump to reach it, with her back to the men with the guns, leaving her ass as a rather nice target for them. And that was assuming the thing wasn't *locked.*
Nothing for it then.
"Okay, okay. You guys got me, all right? I'm just going to put my hands up--" She peeked over the edge of the desk, grateful when she wasn't rewarded with a bullet to the head. "Nice and easy, I'll just give these back to you--" She held up the metal tube the documents were rolled in, and then threw the thing at the closer of the two guards as she launched herself over the desk. The man went down as the cylinder hit him full in the face and the other jerked backwards, only to receive a kick in the head for his troubles as Dom slammed into him, snagging the document case again as she did so and catching his gun with her other hand. "I'll take this. No hard feelings, I hope?"
She was sprinting down the hall again an instant later, thinking that she was really going to either raise her prices, or find a new line of work. This sort of thing was getting old.
At least with the money from this job, she'd be able to make some repairs to her ship, and maybe have enough on the side to got to Boston in the Fall.
First Person (journal):
Heard a rumor around these parts that you guys needed a pilot. Turns out I suddenly have need of new employment *and* I have the sort of skills that would be an asset to a ship with your sort of... proclivities. Willing to give me an interview? I promise, I won't be wasting your time.