(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 23:16

Name: Steven
Nicknames: Steve, Emo, Precious, Rock n' Roll
Birthday: March 3rd
Hobbies: guitar, drums, poetry, hockey
Screen Names: goaliex13
Eye color: Blueish, greenish, gray.
Hair color: Dark Brown
Natural Hair Color: Dark Brown
Who do you love/like: Steph :D, Eric, Jerry, Phil, Tanner, Billie Joe...

Numbers: 13, 31
Color: Blue, black, pink
Place: My room, or anywhere where I'm alone.
State: Not Rhode Island :P
Country: Italy
Book: Catcher in the Rye, The River King, Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, The Hobbit
Game: Final Fantasy 7 & 8
Drug: Caffeine
Movie: Lord of the Rings, Empire Records, the Princess Bride, Moulin Rouge
Store: Guitar Center
Person: Ummm same people as above
CD: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, American Idiot, How the West was Won, Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Singer: Billie Joe Armstrong, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Justin Hawkins, Jack Black
Internet activity: AIM, LJ, MySpace

---Do You---
Cut urself: Nope
Lick urself: umm yeah, who doesn't?!
Whine a lot: No
Yell a lot: Never
Hate a lot of people: Yes
Have too many friends: Too many people talk to me online that I don't know... can that count?
Want to die: No but if I do die, then I die... oh well.
Believe in after death: Not sure.
Go to church: Nope
Smoke: Nope
Do drugs: Nope, sXe.
Wear dark colors: Yes
Try to be different: I don't "try to be anything
Have any peircings: Left ear
Break bones a lot: All my fingers
Watch porn: Yes sir :D
Dye your hair: Occasionally
Shave strange places: HAHA sure?

---Have you ever----
Kissed someone: Yes
Frenched someone: yes
Attempted suicide: uh... no...
Killed someone: Maybe?
Been raped: Well... there was this one time...
Shopped for condoms: Safe sex!
Worn a rainbow: umm Yeah I think
Talked on the phone for over 3 hours: Yeah
Left the country: Yes
Had a party with over 30 people: HAHAHAHAHAHA no. I don't have "friends"
Taken nude pictures: www.stevesbuilt.com
Taped yourself having sex: again... www.stevesbuilt.com
Stolen something: Yes but nothing of value
Burned yourself: Yes, damn ovens
Caught something on fire: Of course, I am an in the closet pyro.
Fell in love online: Never
Asked someone out: Yup :D... only once in person though, one in a letter, and the other time I got asked out
Dumped someone: Nope
Had a dream then the next day it happens: Yeah
Called a porn hotline: What teenage boy hasn't?

---Pick One: ---
Cat/Dog: Dog
White/Black: White-Album = waDEE!
Hot/Cold: Cold
Far/Near: Far
Water/Land: Land
Kiss/Sex: Both
Online/Phone: Phones scare me plus I talk way better online
Beer/Book: Book
Novel/Poetry: Poetry
Music/Silence: Music

--Dream Mate--
Short/Long Hair: Long
Tall/Short: umm doesn't matter.
Preppy/Dorky/Druggie: I like my dorks =P
Freckles/No Freckles: No freckles
Hair Color: Dark
Fat/Thin: Thin
Makeup/No Makeup: Doesn't matter as long as she doesn't look like a whore :D
Dressy/Casual: She can dress however she wants to
Holding hands/Holding 'other body parts: Awakward...

You Touched: Steph
You Talked to online: Jerry
You Talked to in person: Mom
You Hugged: Steph
You Instant messaged: Jerry
You Yelled At: umm my Mom about the Green Day concert.
Who Broke Your Heart: ... the past is the past, let's leave it at that.

Food: Salads, Mac n' Chee!
Drink: Chocolate Milk
Shoes: My classic Vans, they are pretty wrecked though
Candy: Munsons milk Chocolate
Vegetable: Cucumbers
Fruit: Strawberries

Understanding: Yes
Open-minded? Yup
Arrogant: Nope
Insecure: Very
Interesting: Not at all
Hungry: Nope
Smart: Smarter than most people think... though I don't exactly flaunt it
Moody: Ummm not really
Childish: Yes... very.
Independent: Yeah
Hard working: Steve = Lazy
Organized: not at all
Healthy: Yes
Emotionally Stable: Hah... umm sure? yeah... that's it.
Shy: Very much so
Difficult: Nope, I have no opinion about anything
Attractive: Highly Unattractive actually.
Bored easily: Nah, I have my guitar
Messy: Yes, very.
Thirsty: Yes
Responsible: Yeah
Obsessed: Yup
Angry: No I'm not hardcore enough
Sad: Never
Happy: When am I not smiling? ...what? emtional defense mechanism? huh??
Trusting: Nope
Ill: I am so Ill yo
Talkative: Only online
Ignored: A lot
Reliable: Always
Sleepy: Always
Lonely: I enjoy being alone.

Kill: Many people.
Slap: again, Many people.
Get Really Wasted With: sXe
Tickle: haha I enjoy tickling Steph
Look like: Johnny Depp
Be like: Me
Talk to: umm I don't know
Talk to online: well I am alreadying talking to Jerry... so I'm fine.

x. Slept in your bed: Me
x. Saw you cry: No one, I don't cry infront of people
x. Made you cry: Hah...
x. You spent the night with: umm my guitar
x. You shared a drink with: umm Steph drank my Grape soda at the movies last night
x. You went to the movies with: Steph, Eric, Jerry, and Jay
x. You went to the mall with: Commons- Steph, Eric, Jerry, and Jay
x. Yelled at you: Mom
x. Sent you an email: Coach P. << He is the man.
x. You kissed: umm my mom

x. Said "I Love You" and meant it?: Umm never said it to anyone other then my family.
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: Yes, all the time.
x. Been to New York: Yes
x. Florida: Yes
x. California: Yes
x. Hawaii: Nope
x. Mexico: Yes
x. China: No
x. Canada: No
x. Danced: No never? lol
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: Nope
x. Had an imaginary friend: Yup

x. Things you like in a girl/guy: (girl) Honesty, trust... they smell good :D
x. Do you have a crush on someone: Hehe yes I do!
x. What book are you reading now: Kite runner
x. Worst feeling in the world: Knowing you've hurt someone
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: Play Guitar
x. Future daughter's name: ?? I don't know
x. Future son's name: Felix
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Yes
x. What's under your bed: guitar cases
x. Favorite sport to watch: Hockey
x. Current Age: 17
x. Siblings: Sister- Sara, Step Brother- Brian, Twin- Tanner
x. Location: CT
x. College plans: HAHA
x. Peircings/tattoos: Left ear, more maybe?

x. Do you drink: Nope
x. Who is your best friend: Ummm I don't really have one
x. What are you most scared of: Nothing... oh wait everything
x. What clothes do you sleep in: boxers
x. Where do you want to get married: I don't know, I probably won't get married.
x. Who do you really hate: Assholes
x. Been in Love: Yes
x. What type automobile do you drive: '91 Audi
x. Do you have a job: Nope, well I run my own design company. xoxo Designs.
x. Do you like being around people: Nope
x. Are you for world peace: Of course
x. Are you a health freak: Kind of.

Even More STUFF
x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: Nope
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Yes
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Umm maybe? I don't know.
x. Want someone you don't have right now: Nope
x. Are you lonely right now: Nope
x. Ever afraid you'll never get married: Nope
x. Do you want to get married: Maybe?
x. Do you want kids: Not right now.

x. Room in house: My room.
x. Type(s) of music: Zeppelin, Beatles, Floyd, Chili Peppers
x. Perfume or cologne: Axe
x. Month: I have no clue.
x. Song: Over the hills and far away

x. Cried: No
x. Bought something: Yes
x. Gotten sick: No
x. Sang: Of course, and it was god awful
x. Said "I Love You": To my mom
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: ummm I don't know...
x. Met someone new: Nope
x. Moved on: Nope
x. Talked to someone: Yes
x. Missed someone: Yes
x. Hugged someone: Yeah :D
x. Kissed someone: Nope
x. Fought with your parents: Nope

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