Apr 24, 2006 09:46
I've decided to leave behind my thoughts for each of you. Love me, hate me, I don't care which. Fact of the matter is, I want you all to know what I truly think.
Alan - We've been through a helluva lotta shit. Glad we endured. Take care, you'll be somebody great someday. Just be sure to keep that ego in check... it could be your downfall.
Alex - My crazy friend. I kinda miss you, we've had lots of great talks. You're awesomeness personified, and the fact that I lost friends just for talking to you will always amuse me. I still think it was a good trade.
Andrew - You need to look out for number one, first and foremost. Nobody else matters, and nobody can take care of you but you.
Anne - We were close, then we weren't. I have to say, I think your reasons for not wanting to be friends anymore were childish, all you could come up with was that I wouldn't leave Elinon and I chose to speak to Alex. Regardless, I don't really care anymore, and I hope one day you find happiness within yourself, and you stop looking down your nose at everyone. I think you'll find you'll have more friends than enemies if you give that a try.
Chris - Thank you so much for trusting me with Elinon. Everybody said you were going to fuck me over, and it was just a ploy to be rid of me. Truth is, I never believed that, because I knew I'd never fuck you over and give you the reason to return the favor. Regardless of what other people think, you're a great person, and have a phenomenal mind. You know that I love you. *squeezes*
David - Look. I should have said this to you ages ago. The reason things fell apart for you in Elinon was that you changed. Your ego grew so big, and you were so high on power, you looked different to everyone. Everybody saw it, everybody mentioned it to everyone but you. Too bad nobody had the guts to say it then, maybe a lot of this drama could have been avoided. I really did consider you a great friend at one point, and regardless of what transpired, I do wish we could have remained. Good luck and all that, hopefully one day you'll leave this place too... you're smarter than what you show people.
Deja - As said earlier, I owe you a lot. I admittedly took our friendship for granted, and for that I'll always be sorry.
Em - Aww Em, I'll miss you more than anyone. You've been my best online friend for so long, and I really and truly do love you. I wish I could bring you with me, and steal you away from this wretched place. I promise I'll keep in touch with you, and I'll have nothing but the best thoughts of and for you for the rest of my days.
Jaaaaackie - We were so close once, and I'm sorry that ended. Take super care, I hope you find happiness always.
Jeff - You're one of the smartest, funniest people I've ever known, and your imagination blows me away. I hope you keep writing, I hope you do well in life. I know that one day karma is gonna pay you back for all the bullshit you've endured, and you'll spend the rest of your days with a big ass grin.
Jen - You and I share the same views about many things, and the only thing I regret is not being closer to you, though we both know why we weren't. Take care of yourself, you too are above this place.
Keith - You and I have been friends for quite awhile now. I think you're one of the few I never had any kind of argument with. Believe it or not, hun, out of all of us... you're the only one who gets it. You're the only one who knows what the games are for, and uses them for that purpose. You truly do rock.
Kelsey - Don't let yourself be too wrapped up in the drama of this place. Life is hard enough without worrying about everybody else and what they think. You're fine, don't take other people's opinions to heart.
Nat - My hunneh bunneh girl. Always tellin' it like it is, callin' it as you see it... don't ever stop that. Who the fuck cares, it's your opinion and you're entitled to it.
Ryan - You don't suck, not in the least. Don't let any of those bitches tell you different. I'm not saying this to be mean, more out of concern for you... I hope you find something else to occupy your time, and you break free of this internet bullshit. You, sir, are above it.
Sam - Girl, you're brilliant. Don't waste away here.
Terence - You seriously needa be a stand-up comic or something. Few hold the ability to make me laugh like you do... I wish nothing but good things for you.
Tom - You'll probably never see this, but you were able to do what so few of us could, and now I follow in your footsteps. I hope you never come back, I know you're happier for it.
Trish - The world isn't as dark as you believe it to be. Find a bright spot, and hold on to it. You're far too good a person to be lost to shadow.
Paul - If it wasn't for this place, I never would have found you. You ignited a fire in me, helped me find my inner strength, and without you, I wouldn't be doing this now. I really, truly do love you, for all that you are. I never want you to change, not even the slightest bit, for the way you are now is all I'll ever need.
And with that, I really do bid you all adieu.