I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!

Mar 12, 2006 23:11

Eep! It's almost like I forgot this thing existed! I've been so busy with Elinon and real life stuff, I haven't much thought about this journal. Let me update you!

Elinon. Well, I know general consensus has been that it is teh suckage. Mainly due to the horrific player base... but hopefully that'll change soon. We've kind've undergone a revamping of sorts, and everything that everyone hates about Hollow has been abolished from Elinon, and hopefully we'll have a better game for it. Godmodders beware. Ahem. Anyway, that'll be good.

Real life! Eh... I was sicker than I've ever been in my life last week. I had this thing called pharyngoconjunctival fever. *coughs* Try to say that ten times fast! Or... even just one time slow! Anyway, yeah... that sucked. Pharyngo-conjunctival Fever. Pharyngo - relating to the pharynx. In other words, an ass-kickin' sore throat. This was like, the sorest throat EVER. Hurt to breathe. Then we get to the conjunctival part. That means conjunctivitis... or pinkeye in laymen's terms. Yeah. SUCKAGE. But this was no regular run of the mill pinkeye, where your eyes get kinda scratchy and have a faint redness to them, oh no. This was like... 'oh my god look at Shannon somebody stabbed her in the eyes' pinkeye. Literally blood red. Anywhere there would normally be white? Blood. It's a sexy virus, lemme tell you. Oh, and the fever... how does 104.7 F grab you? Mhmm, that's HIGH AS HELL. I was like hallucinating and stuff. Slept for damn near 72 hours straight... nearly died... or something. But anyway. I'm better now.

What else? Oh yeah... this internet crappiness. Iunno where I got derailed, but I'm back on track. This is a machine that links me to you, and nothing more. Yeah, friends and stuff, blah blah... but I don't take it so seriously. Learned a valuable lesson from someone I once thought would be close to me forever, no matter how far he really was. All that changed in the blink of an eye and made me realize that internet relations will come and go, and it's the real people here I need to focus on. Flesh and blood beats text any day of the week. So yeah, I've been around less. That's just my social life calling. And thank god for it, that call was a long time coming.

I finally made one of those Johari things. 
Shannon Was Taken 
Yeah, my name was taken, heh.

So do me a favor. I did everyone else's, I think... so do mine too? Great.

Anywho, that's about it.

Oh! No! I'm working on a new project with my partner in crime... *shifty eyes* Watch here for updates!


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